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creating a 'Target' for a cloudwatch event rule via cloudformation for a fargate launchtype task

I'm trying to create a scheduled task (CloudWatch Events Rule) in my CloudFormation Template that would have the following EcsParameters:

        LaunchType: FARGATE
            AssignPublicIp: !Ref PublicIpAssignment
              - !Ref EcsSecurityGroups
              - !Ref SubnetName
        TaskCount: 1
        TaskDefinitionArn: !Ref TaskDefinitionOne

My ECS CLuster is launched on Fargate and not EC2, and I do NOT have a service running (use case doesn't need a long running process, directly scheduling tasks from events rules.)

Whenever I run this template (with LaunchType and NetworkConfiguration) the stack creation fails, with this error:

Encountered unsupported property NetworkConfiguration

As an alternative, I also tried launching the scheduled task from AWS CLI, but it seems like the network config and launch type options are not available there either:

Parameter validation failed: Unknown parameter in Targets[0].EcsParameters: "LaunchType", must be one of: TaskDefinitionArn, TaskCount

According to this page on the AWS Documentation itself, I should be able to specify LaunchType and NetworkConfiguration in my EcsParameters section in Targets in Properties of the AWS::Events::Rule resource.

Is there anything I can try that might work?

like image 883
tanvi Avatar asked Sep 06 '18 16:09


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1 Answers

Even though AWS hasn't updated the documentation by today (Jul.15, 2019) it's working as described by the initial poster.

like image 51
Sebastian Annies Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09

Sebastian Annies