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Increase invoke Response payload size in AWS Lambda to 15 mb

As per current implementation by AWS, the response payload size returned by a Lambda function cannot exceed 6 mb. Is there a provision for increasing this limit to 15 mb by requesting a "Service Limit Increase". Also, what are the additional charges, if any that would be charged?

Thanks in advance!

like image 752
Onkaar Singh Avatar asked Dec 06 '16 07:12

Onkaar Singh

People also ask

How do I get around Lambda payload limit?

However, we can get around this limit by using an AWS S3 pre-signed url for uploads. This allows our AWS Lambda function to instead generate a pre-signed url and return it to our client, then our client can use that temporary pre-signed url to upload directly to our AWS S3 bucket.

How do you increase Lambda invocation?

To increase your Lambda function's concurrency limit, you must open a quota increase case in the Service Quotas dashboard.

How do you increase the maximum size of the AWS Lambda deployment package?

AWS Lambda Deployment Package AWS Lambda size limit is 50 MB when you upload the code directly to the Lambda service. However, if your code deployment package size is more, you have an option to upload it to S3 and download it while triggering the function invocation. Another option is to use Lambda Layers.

1 Answers


But you can upload the result to S3 and return the s3 bucket name + key so the caller of the Lambda can download the result from S3 which can handle files of that size without any issues.

like image 138
hellomichibye Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 15:10
