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Configure Notepad++ to use indentation-based code folding

It's not that it can't handle it. It does it for Python.

How can I ask it to do the same with other languages?

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Radagast the Brown Avatar asked Aug 30 '11 15:08

Radagast the Brown

People also ask

How do I turn on auto indent in Notepad ++?

menu TextFX → TextFX Edit → Reindent C++ code. TextFX should be installed by default. Save this answer.

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Now you can use shortcut key CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+B to indent the code.

1 Answers

I believe this is hardcoded into Scintilla's lexers for Python and other languages respectively (Scintilla is the editing component that Notepad++ uses), so you can't change this with some configuration setting.

The relevant documentation I found for folding mostly points to writing lexers for Scintilla. See the home page for some links.

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BoltClock Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 12:09
