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Conditionally closing tag in Thymeleaf

I need to conditionally close tag in my Thymeleaf template. Say, during iterating some collection of elements I have to wrap series of some of them into single <div>:

<div>...element1, element2, element3...</div>
<div>...element5, element6...</div>

This could be archived if some way of conditionally tag closing would exist. But I can't obviously write </div th:if="...">. If it would be jsp I could easily write something like:

<%if (condition) {%></div><%}%>

Any ideas how to solve this issue?

EDIT To be precise, my elements aren't just strings, they are complex inner html blocks.

like image 611
Andremoniy Avatar asked Apr 20 '16 14:04


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1 Answers

I think it's better represent the data as separate lists, as you mentioned in your previous answer.

But even for curiosity, there is an ugly workaround to achieve something similar to <%if (condition) {%></div><%}%>, as you asked.

The trick is to generate the tag as escaped text:

<th:block th:if="${openTagCondition}" th:utext="'&lt;div&gt;'" /> 

<th:block th:if="${colseTagCondition}" th:utext="'&lt;/div&gt;'" /> 

This is just out of curiosity. I do not recommend using this workaround as it's pretty unreadable, harms maintainability and you can leave unbalanced tags.

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Tobías Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 16:10
