I have a table with 5 cols and 1st column as character and other four as numeric. I am using DT Data Table to display the same in Shiny App. Now, I need to compare each of the four cols for each row and color code the row cell which has maximum value. Looking for ways to do the same. Had a look on this link as well StylingCells but all the cols are numeric here.
entity <- c('entity1', 'entity2', 'entity3')
value1 <- c(21000, 23400, 26800)
value2 <- c(21234, 23445, 26834)
value3 <- c(21123, 234789, 26811)
value4 <- c(27000, 23400, 26811)
entity.data <- data.frame(entity, value1, value2, value3, value4)
header <- dashboardHeader()
sidebar <- dashboardSidebar()
body <- dashboardBody(DT::dataTableOutput("entity.dataTable"))
ui = dashboardPage(header, sidebar, body),
server = function(input, output) {
output$entity.dataTable <- renderDataTable({
selection = "single",
filter = 'bottom',
extensions = c('Buttons', 'ColReorder', 'FixedHeader', 'Scroller'),
rownames = FALSE,
options = list(
dom = 'Bfrtip',
searching = T,
pageLength = 25,
searchHighlight = TRUE,
colReorder = TRUE,
fixedHeader = TRUE,
filter = 'top',
buttons = c('copy', 'csv', 'excel', 'print'),
paging = TRUE,
deferRender = TRUE,
scroller = TRUE,
scrollX = TRUE,
scrollY = 550
Here is my solution to your problem:
entity <- c('entity1', 'entity2', 'entity3')
value1 <- c(21000, 23400, 26800)
value2 <- c(21234, 23445, 26834)
value3 <- c(21123, 234789, 26811)
value4 <- c(27000, 23400, 26811)
entity.data <- data.frame(entity, value1, value2, value3, value4)
# Create a vector of max values
max_val <- apply(entity.data[, -1], 1, max)
header <- dashboardHeader()
sidebar <- dashboardSidebar()
body <- dashboardBody(DT::dataTableOutput("entity.dataTable"))
ui = dashboardPage(header, sidebar, body),
server = function(input, output) {
output$entity.dataTable <- renderDataTable({
selection = "single",
filter = 'bottom',
extensions = c('Buttons', 'ColReorder', 'FixedHeader', 'Scroller'),
rownames = FALSE,
options = list(
dom = 'Bfrtip',
searching = T,
pageLength = 25,
searchHighlight = TRUE,
colReorder = TRUE,
fixedHeader = TRUE,
filter = 'top',
buttons = c('copy', 'csv', 'excel', 'print'),
paging = TRUE,
deferRender = TRUE,
scroller = TRUE,
scrollX = TRUE,
scrollY = 550
) %>% # Style cells with max_val vector
columns = 2:5,
backgroundColor = styleEqual(levels = max_val, values = rep("yellow", length(max_val)))
So what you need to do is to create a vector of max values. Then use it in the helper function styleEqual()
inside formatStyle()
as shown in the code above.
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