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Concatenate strings by group with dplyr [duplicate]




You could simply do

data %>% 
     group_by(foo) %>% 
     mutate(bars_by_foo = paste0(bar, collapse = "")) 

Without any helper functions

It looks like there's a bit of an issue with the mutate function - I've found that it's a better approach to work with summarise when you're grouping data in dplyr (that's no way a hard and fast rule though).

paste function also introduces whitespace into the result so either set sep = 0 or use just use paste0.

Here is my code:

p <- function(v) {
  Reduce(f=paste0, x = v)

data %>% 
    group_by(foo) %>% 
    summarise(bars_by_foo = p(as.character(bar))) %>%
    merge(., data, by = 'foo') %>%
    select(foo, bar, bars_by_foo)

Resulting in..

  foo bar bars_by_foo
1   1   a          ab
2   1   b          ab
3   2   a           a
4   3   b         bcd
5   3   c         bcd
6   3   d         bcd

You can try this:

agg <- aggregate(bar~foo, data = data, paste0, collapse="")
df <- merge(data, agg, by = "foo", all = T)
colnames(df) <- c(colnames(data), "bars_by_foo") # optional

  # foo bar bars_by_foo
# 1   1     a    ab
# 2   1     b    ab
# 3   2     a     a
# 4   3     b   bcd
# 5   3     c   bcd
# 6   3     d   bcd

Your function works if you ensure that bar are all characters and not levels of a factor.

data <- data.frame(foo=c(1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3), bar=c('a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


p <- function(v) {
  Reduce(f=paste, x = v)

data %>% 
  group_by(foo) %>% 

Source: local data frame [6 x 3]
Groups: foo [3]

   foo   bar bars_by_foo
  <dbl> <chr>       <chr>
    1     1     a     a b
    2     1     b     a b
    3     2     a       a
    4     3     b   b c d
    5     3     c   b c d
    6     3     d   b c d