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Complex xPath query

I need to write a quite complex XSLT 1.0 query.

Given the following XML file, I need a query to get the set of authors who are in multiple reports. (for example Antonio Rossi, because he's both on report 1 and 2).

  <report id="01">
      I venti del Nord
        Antonio Rossi
        Mario Verdi
      <versione numero="1.0">
          Mario Verdi
          versione iniziale
      <versione numero="2.0">
          Antonio Rossi
          poche modifiche
  <report id="02">
      Le pioggie del Nord
        Antonio Rossi
        Luca Bianchi
      <versione numero="1.0">
          Antonio Rossi
          versione iniziale
      <versione numero="2.0">
          Antonio Rossi
          modifiche al cap. 1
      <versione numero="3.0">
          Antonio Rossi
          Aggiunta intro.
      <versione numero="4.0">
          Luca Bianchi
          Modifiche sostanziali.
  <report id="03">
      Precipitazioni nevose
        Fabio Verdi
        Luca Bianchi
      <versione numero="1.0">
          Fabio Verdi
          versione iniziale
      <versione numero="2.0">
          Luca Bianchi
          Aggiornato indice
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Gotenks Avatar asked Dec 12 '22 00:12


2 Answers

If you can use XPath 2.0 you could use:

distinct-values(/reports/report/autori/autore[preceding::report/autori/autore = . or following::report/autori/autore = .])

With your input XML it will return:

Antonio Rossi
Luca Bianchi
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Daniel Haley Avatar answered Dec 22 '22 18:12

Daniel Haley

This works even in XPath 1.0:


It selects all autore nodes that have text content equal to any autore node in any of the following report nodes, too.

Or, to keep it short, even this should work if there's nothing really tricky in your real xml file:


EDIT: Working by accident. Please see the comments below.

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Petr Janeček Avatar answered Dec 22 '22 17:12

Petr Janeček