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complete, monospaced Unicode font? [closed]

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What is the most complete Unicode font?

The hands-down most comprehensive coverage would be Roman Czyborra's GNU Unicode Font project. It is intended to collect a complete and free 8×16/16×16 pixel Unicode font. It currently covers 34,445 characters (out of ~40,000+ defined characters).

Are monospaced typefaces less legible?

Monospaced typefaces do reduce legibility, albeit by a margin. In Universal Principles of Design, the entry on legibility states: Proportionally spaced typefaces are preferred over monospaced.

What is monospaced font in Word?

Monospaced fonts have constant spacing between characters while proportional fonts have variable spacing between characters.

What is an example of a monospaced font?

The system fonts Courier, Menlo, and Consolas are examples of monospaced fonts , so named because every character is the same width. When the characters vary in width, the font is called proportional .

Unicode is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly hugely mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you might think it's a long way down the codepage to ü, but that's just peanuts to Unicode.

I really doubt there's any font in the world (monospaced or not) that has "complete" Unicode. The best you can do is find a few monospaced fonts that, together, cover the space you're interested in, and make sure your editor is set up to use them.

The best I've found is DejaVu Sans Mono which is a Unicode expansion of Bitstream's Vera Sans Mono.

I'm not sure there are any 'complete' fonts, so I think you'll have to deal with a patchwork of fonts.

GNU Unifont is a monospaced, bitmapped font with complete coverage of the Basic Multilingual Plane as defined in Unicode 5.1. It is also avaiable in True Type format.

How about Consolas? Should be lying around on most windows boxes by now.

If not it can be downloaded here:


It does look ugly without ClearType enabled though.

Before Consolas, I always used Andale Mono as my programmer font. There's a free download available.

I'm trying to answer this question for myself, for use in Eclipse editor.

MS ゴシック (MS Gothic) is what I'm currently trying, and that seems to be pretty good for the Japanese characters I'm dealing with. Included in Windows since 2000.