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Complete encapsulation without malloc

I was experimenting with C11 and VLAs, trying to declare a struct variable on the stack with only an incomplete declaration. The objective is to provide a mechanism to create a variable of some struct type without showing the internals (like the PIMPL idiom) but without the need to create the variable on the heap and return a pointer to it. Also, if the struct layout changes, I don't want to recompile every file that uses the struct.

I have managed to program the following:


#ifndef PRIVATE_H_
#define PRIVATE_H_

typedef struct A{
    int value;

#endif /* PRIVATE_H_ */


#ifndef PUBLIC_H_
#define PUBLIC_H_

typedef struct A A;

size_t A_getSizeOf(void);

void A_setValue(A * a, int value);

void A_printValue(A * a);

#endif /* PUBLIC_H_ */


#include "private.h"
#include "stdio.h"

size_t A_getSizeOf(void)
    return sizeof(A);

void A_setValue(A * a, int value)
    a->value = value;

void A_printValue(A * a)
    printf("%d\n", a->value);


#include <stdalign.h>
#include <stddef.h>

#include "public.h"

#define createOnStack(type, variable) \
    alignas(max_align_t) char variable ## _stack[type ## _getSizeOf()]; \
    type * variable = (type *)&variable ## _stack

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    createOnStack(A, var);

    A_setValue(var, 5335);

I have tested this code and it seems to work. However I'm not sure if I'm overlooking something (like aliasing, alignment or something like that) that could be dangerous or unportable, or could hurt performance. Also I want to know if there are better (portable) solutions to this problem in C.

like image 728
Mabus Avatar asked Aug 27 '14 23:08


People also ask

Is struct an encapsulation?

Encapsulation. Encapsulation is sometimes referred to as the first pillar or principle of object-oriented programming. A class or struct can specify how accessible each of its members is to code outside of the class or struct.

Should I avoid using malloc?

The primary reason for not using malloc in some particular cases is probably the fact that it employs a generic, one-size-fits-all approach to memory allocation. Other approaches, such as memory pools and slab allocation may offer benefits in the case of having well-known allocation needs.

How can I free space after malloc?

When you no longer need a block that you got with malloc , use the function free to make the block available to be allocated again. The prototype for this function is in stdlib. h .

Can you free without malloc?

Actually you can use free without calling malloc , but only if the value you pass to free is a null pointer. So not useful if what you want is a pointer which might point to an allocated block, but might point to a local array.

2 Answers

This of course violates the effective typing rules (aka strict aliasing) because the C language does not allow an object of tye char [] to be accessed through a pointer that does not have that type (or a compatible one).

You could disable strict aliasing analysis via compiler flags like -fno-strict-aliasing or attributes like

#ifdef __GNUC__
#define MAY_ALIAS __attribute__((__may_alias__))
#define MAY_ALIAS

(thanks go to R.. for pointing out the latter), but even if you do not do so, in practice everything should work just fine as long as you only ever use the variable's proper name to initialize the typed pointer.

Personally, I'd simplify your declarations to something along the lines of

#define stackbuffer(NAME, SIZE) \
    _Alignas (max_align_t) char NAME[SIZE]

typedef struct Foo Foo;
extern const size_t SIZEOF_FOO;

stackbuffer(buffer, SIZEOF_FOO);
Foo *foo = (void *)buffer;

The alternative would be using the non-standard alloca(), but that 'function' comes with its own set of issues.

like image 115
Christoph Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09


I am considering adopting a strategy similar to the following to solve essentially the same problem. Perhaps it will be of interest despite being a year late.

I wish to prevent clients of a struct from accessing the fields directly, in order to make it easier to reason about their state and easier to write reliable design contracts. I'd also prefer to avoid allocating small structures on the heap. But I can't afford a C11 public interface - much of the joy of C is that almost any code knows how to talk to C89.

To that end, consider the adequate application code:

#include "opaque.h"
int main(void)
  opaque on_the_stack = create_opaque(42,3.14); // constructor
  delete_opaque(&on_the_stack); // destructor
  return 0;

The opaque header is fairly nasty, but not completely absurd. Providing both create and delete functions is mostly for the sake of consistency with structs where calling the destructor actually matters.

/* opaque.h */
#ifndef OPAQUE_H
#define OPAQUE_H

/* max_align_t is not reliably available in stddef, esp. in c89 */
typedef union
  int foo;
  long long _longlong;
  unsigned long long _ulonglong;
  double _double;
  void * _voidptr;
  void (*_voidfuncptr)(void);
  /* I believe the above types are sufficient */
} alignment_hack;

#define sizeof_opaque 16 /* Tedious to keep up to date */
typedef struct
    char state [sizeof_opaque];
    alignment_hack hack;
  } private;
} opaque;
#undef sizeof_opaque /* minimise the scope of the macro */

void print_opaque(opaque * o);
opaque create_opaque(int foo, double bar);
void delete_opaque(opaque *);

Finally an implementation, which is welcome to use C11 as it's not the interface. _Static_assert(alignof...) is particularly reassuring. Several layers of static functions are used to indicate the obvious refinement of generating the wrap/unwrap layers. Pretty much the entire mess is amenable to code gen.

#include "opaque.h"

#include <stdalign.h>
#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct
  int foo;
  double bar;
} opaque_impl;

/* Zero tolerance approach to letting the sizes drift */
_Static_assert(sizeof (opaque) == sizeof (opaque_impl), "Opaque size incorrect");
_Static_assert(alignof (opaque) == alignof (opaque_impl), "Opaque alignment incorrect");

static void print_opaque_impl(opaque_impl *o)
  printf("Foo = %d and Bar = %g\n",o->foo,o->bar);

static void create_opaque_impl(opaque_impl * o, int foo, double bar)
  o->foo = foo;
  o->bar = bar;

static void create_opaque_hack(opaque * o, int foo, double bar)
   opaque_impl * ptr = (opaque_impl*)o;

static void delete_opaque_impl(opaque_impl *o)
  o->foo = 0;
  o->bar = 0;

static void delete_opaque_hack(opaque * o)
   opaque_impl * ptr = (opaque_impl*)o;

void print_opaque(opaque * o)
  return print_opaque_impl((opaque_impl*)o);

opaque create_opaque(int foo, double bar)
  opaque tmp;
  unsigned int i;
  /* Useful to zero out padding */
  for (i=0; i < sizeof (opaque_impl); i++)
      tmp.private.state[i] = 0;
  return tmp;

void delete_opaque(opaque *o)

The drawbacks I can see myself:

  1. Changing the size define manually would be irritating
  2. The casting should hinder optimisation (I haven't checked this yet)
  3. This may violate strict pointer aliasing. Need to re-read the spec.

I am concerned about accidentally invoking undefined behaviour. I would also be interested in general feedback on the above, or whether it looks like a credible alternative to the inventive VLA technique in the question.

like image 34
Jon Chesterfield Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09

Jon Chesterfield