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Compile time enforced finite lists

I would like to make a type that represents lists with a finite number of elements.

Now the naïve way to do this is with strict evaluation:

data FiniteList a
  = Nil
  | Cons a !(List a)

With this infinite lists are equivalent to bottom.

However I want a type which prevents the creation of such lists altogether. I would ideally like to have any attempts to build an infinite list cause a compile time error.

I can begin to see how this might be done if I build sized lists using GADTs and DataKinds.

data Natural = Zero | Succ Natural

data DependentList :: Natural -> Type -> Type where
  Nil  :: DependentList 'Zero a
  Cons :: a -> DependentList n a -> DependentList ('Succ n) a

If we try and build something like

a = Cons 1 a

We get a type error since this requires a type n ~ 'Succ n.

The issue with this is that it is not a single list type but rather a class of types, one for each size of list. So for example if I wanted to write a version of take or drop on this list I would need to start getting into some serious dependent typing.

I would like to unify all of these separate types under a single type which still enforces finitude at compile time.

Can this be done?

like image 897
Wheat Wizard Avatar asked Apr 02 '20 01:04

Wheat Wizard

People also ask

What is a compile-time function?

A compile-time function is a metadata assertion function. It takes arguments that represents an entity in the Application Explorer and validates the arguments at compile time. It has no effect at run time. Attributes are classes that inherit from the SysAttribute class.

What is the difference between compile time and run time errors?

Compile-time is the time at which the source code is converted into an executable code while the run time is the time at which the executable code is started running. Both the compile-time and runtime refer to different types of error. Compile-time errors. Compile-time errors are the errors that occurred when we write the wrong syntax.

What is the difference between compile-time functions and literals?

The inputs to these functions must be literals, because the compiler cannot determine the value that a variable contains at run time. A compile-time function is a metadata assertion function. It takes arguments that represents an entity in the Application Explorer and validates the arguments at compile time. It has no effect at run time.

What is the difference between compile-time and runtime?

Compile-time and Runtime are the two programming terms used in the software development. Compile-time is the time at which the source code is converted into an executable code while the run time is the time at which the executable code is started running. Both the compile-time and runtime refer to different types of error.

3 Answers

This can be done with Liquid Haskell, which provides termination checks.
Type signatures look like this in Liquid Haskell:

{-@ (function name) :: (refinement) [/ (termination metric)] @-}

The termination metric is an integer vector that is supposed to decrease each recursive call (lexicographical ordering). If not specified, LH will use the first integer argument as the termination metric.
Termination checking can be disabled with lazy annotation {-@ lazy (function name) @-}:

{-@ lazy inf @-}
inf x = x : inf x
like image 73
Poscat Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10


Yep, just use an existential to forget the finite length afterwards:

data NonDependentList a where NonDependentList :: DependentList n a -> NonDependentList a

Of course, take and drop will have some boilerplate...

take :: Int -> NDL a -> NDL a
take n (NDL Nil) = NDL Nil
take n (NDL (Cons a as)) = case take (n-1) (NDL as) of
    NDL as' -> NDL (Cons a as')

But you still can't make an infinite one:

ones = NDL (Cons 1 (case ones of NDL os -> os)) -- existential escapes its scope
like image 42
Daniel Wagner Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10

Daniel Wagner

There's also the "ghosts of departed proofs" approach, which involves a tagged newtype with carefully exposed smart constructors, and working in continuation-passing style with continuations polymorphic in the type tag:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, RankNTypes, RoleAnnotations #-} 
module FinList (FinList,empty,toFinList,cons) where 
-- FinList constructor should NOT be public, or else everything breaks!

newtype FinList name a = FinList { getFinList :: [a] } deriving Functor

-- Don't allow Data.Coerce.coerce to turn FinList X a into forall x. FinList x a
type role FinList nominal representational

empty :: forall a r. (forall name . FinList name a -> r) -> r
empty f = f (FinList [])

toFinList:: forall a r. Int -> [a] -> (forall name. FinList name a -> r) -> r
toFinList n as f = f (FinList (take n as))

cons :: forall a r name'. a -> FinList name' a -> (forall name. FinList name a -> r) -> r
cons a (FinList as) f = f (FinList (a:as))

This should prevent clients of the FinList module from creating circular definitions.

like image 1
danidiaz Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10
