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Compile client-side Jade templates using Gulpjs

I'm trying to compile all my .jade templates into a single js file, I'm using Gulpjs and gulp-jade, gulp-concat..

I can get the single file but the problem is that all the functions rendered there have the same name, they are all called "template".


    h1 Foo here


    h1 Foo2 here

Gulp file:

    .pipe(jade({client: true}))

That would output a file like this:

function template(locals) {
    var buf = [];
    var jade_mixins = {};

    buf.push("<div class=\"fooDiv\"><h1>Foo here</h1></div>");;return buf.join("");
function template(locals) {
    var buf = [];
    var jade_mixins = {};

    buf.push("<div class=\"foo2Div\"><h1>Foo2 here</h1></div>");;return buf.join("");

And what I want is something like:

function foo(locals) {
    var buf = [];
    var jade_mixins = {};

    buf.push("<div class=\"fooDiv\"><h1>Foo here</h1></div>");;return buf.join("");
function foo2(locals) {
    var buf = [];
    var jade_mixins = {};

    buf.push("<div class=\"foo2Div\"><h1>Foo2 here</h1></div>");;return buf.join("");

Is there any way I can do this? I've been searching for quite some time now and didn't find anything.

Cheers. Caio


Jade now accepts the name option for jade.compileClient. Check it here: https://github.com/jadejs/jade/blob/master/jade.js

like image 643
Caio Vertematti Avatar asked Dec 12 '22 07:12

Caio Vertematti

1 Answers

It seems that jade.compileClient hard-codes function template(locals) and it has no option to change the function name. https://github.com/visionmedia/jade/blob/master/lib/jade.js

This is a bit hacky but you can modify the contents of the compiled scripts after the jade compilation.

var through = require('through2');
var path = require('path');

function modify() {
  function transform(file, enc, callback) {
    if (!file.isBuffer()) {
    var funcName = path.basename(file.path, '.js');
    var from = 'function template(locals) {';
    var to = 'function ' + funcName + '(locals) {';
    var contents = file.contents.toString().replace(from, to);
    file.contents = new Buffer(contents);
  return through.obj(transform);

    .pipe(jade({client: true}))

You can change the funcName as you like based on file.path if your jade templates are in multiple subdirectories.

like image 61
Shuhei Kagawa Avatar answered Dec 26 '22 17:12

Shuhei Kagawa