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Command to move line up or down in Atom Editor

I have used Sublime for years and am trying out Atom for the first time.

How can I move a single line or selected block up or down by one line? In sublime I could do this with ctrl+shift+Up, but that doesn't seem to work in Atom. Any ideas?

like image 702
peter-b Avatar asked Jun 26 '15 13:06


People also ask

How do you align codes in Atom editor?

Use ctrl+cmd+a on Mac or ctrl+alt+a to align multiple matches. If you want to align the first match only, call Atom Alignment:Align from the command palette.

What is the vertical line in Atom editor?

That's the wrap guide. It is a visual indicator of when your lines of code are getting too long. It defaults to the column that your Preferred Line Length is set to. If you want to turn it off, you can disable the wrap-guide package in the Settings View.

1 Answers

In Atom you can just use Ctrl + Up.

You can find these options on Atom menu : Edit > Lines > Move Line Up

like image 192
alysonsm Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09
