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iTerm2 keyboard shortcut for moving tabs around

Say I want to place one tab next to another. Currently I do this by clicking and dragging. This increases productivity because if I'm switching between 2 regular tasks in iTerm I want to place the tabs next to each other so I can switch between them quickly.

I can switch between tabs using keyboard shortcuts cmd+} and cmd+{.

But is there a way to move tabs around using keyboard shortcuts?

like image 753
Eddy Avatar asked Aug 11 '12 10:08


People also ask

What is the keyboard shortcut for moving tabs?

On Windows, use Ctrl-Tab to move to the next tab to the right and Ctrl-Shift-Tab to move to the next tab to the left.

2 Answers

Using predefined shortcuts in iTerm2 you can

Move tabs

Left: Cmd+Shift+Left

Right Cmd+Shift+Right

And according to http://teohm.com/blog/2012/03/22/working-effectively-with-iterm2 you can

Switch between tabs

Next tab: Cmd+Shift+]

Previous tab: Cmd+Shift+[

like image 77
JHannes Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 12:11


That's a default features. Just open preferences/Keys and in Global Shortcut keys you can assign keys to "Move tabs to left/right".

Personnaly i use Cmd + n/p

like image 37
Xavier Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 11:11
