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Command line arguments in wxWidgets

Is there a way I can read the command line arguments passed into a C++ wxWidgets application? If so, could you please provide an example of how to do so.

like image 333
jack Avatar asked Apr 12 '12 06:04


1 Answers

In plain C++, there is argc and argv. When you are building a wxWidgets application, you can access these using wxApp::argc, wxApp::argv[] or wxAppConsole::argc, wxAppConsole::argv[]. Note that wxApp is derived from wxAppConsole, so either works depending on if you have a console app or GUI app. See wxAppConsole


bool MyApp::OnInit() {
// Access command line arguments with wxApp::argc, wxApp::argv[0], etc.
// ...

You may also be interested in wxCmdLineParser.

like image 178
JohnPS Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 07:09
