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Combining Python trace information and logging

I'm trying to write a highly modular Python logging system (using the logging module) and include information from the trace module in the log message.

For example, I want to be able to write a line of code like:

my_logger.log_message(MyLogFilter, "this is a message")

and have it include the trace of where the "log_message" call was made, instead of the actual logger call itself.

I almost have the following code working except for the fact that the trace information is from the logging.debug() call rather than the my_logger.log_message() one.

class MyLogFilter(logging.Filter):

    def __init__(self):
        self.extra = {"error_code": 999}
        self.level = "debug"

    def filter(self, record):
        for key in self.extra.keys():
           setattr(record, key, self.extra[key])

class myLogger(object):

    def __init__(self):
        fid = logging.FileHandler("test.log")
        formatter = logging.Formatter('%(pathname)s:%(lineno)i, %(error_code)%I, %(message)s' 

        self.my_logger = logging.getLogger(name="test")

    def log_message(self, lfilter, message):
        xfilter = lfilter()
        log_funct = getattr(self.logger, xfilter.level)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    logger = myLogger()
    logger.log_message(MyLogFilter, "debugging")

This is a lot of trouble to go through in order to make a simple logging.debug call but in reality, I will have a list of many different versions of MyLogFilter at different logging levels that contain different values of the "error_code" attribute and I'm trying to make the log_message() call as short and sweet as possible because it will be repeated numerous times.

I would appreciate any information about how to do what I want to, or if I'm completely off on the wrong track and if that's the case, what I should be doing instead.

I would like to stick to the internal python modules of "logging" and "trace" if that's possible instead of using any external solutions.

like image 924
user3014653 Avatar asked Aug 14 '20 00:08


2 Answers

or if I'm completely off on the wrong track and if that's the case, what I should be doing instead.

My strong suggestion is that you view logging as a solved problem and avoid reinventing the wheel.

If you need more than the standard library's logging module provides, it's probably something like structlog (pip install structlog)

Structlog will give you:

  • data binding
  • cloud native structured logging
  • pipelines
  • ...and more

It will handle most local and cloud use cases.

Below is one common configuration that will output colorized logging to a .log file, to stdout, and can be extended further to log to eg AWS CloudWatch.

Notice there is an included processor: StackInfoRenderer -- this will include stack information to all logging calls with a 'truthy' value for stack_info (this is also in stdlib's logging btw). If you only want stack info for exceptions, then you'd want to do something like exc_info=True for your logging calls.


from structlog import get_logger
from logging_config import configure_local_logging

logger = get_logger()

logger.info("Some random info")
logger.debug("Debugging info with stack", stack_info=True)

   assert 'foo'=='bar'
catch Exception as e:
   logger.error("Error info with an exc", exc_info=e)


import logging
import structlog

def configure_local_logging(filename=__name__):
    """Provides a structlog colorized console and file renderer for logging in eg ING tickets"""

    timestamper = structlog.processors.TimeStamper(fmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    pre_chain = [

            "version": 1,
            "disable_existing_loggers": False,
            "formatters": {
                "plain": {
                    "()": structlog.stdlib.ProcessorFormatter,
                    "processor": structlog.dev.ConsoleRenderer(colors=False),
                    "foreign_pre_chain": pre_chain,
                "colored": {
                    "()": structlog.stdlib.ProcessorFormatter,
                    "processor": structlog.dev.ConsoleRenderer(colors=True),
                    "foreign_pre_chain": pre_chain,
            "handlers": {
                "default": {
                    "level": "DEBUG",
                    "class": "logging.StreamHandler",
                    "formatter": "colored",
                "file": {
                    "level": "DEBUG",
                    "class": "logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler",
                    "filename": filename + ".log",
                    "formatter": "plain",
            "loggers": {
                "": {
                    "handlers": ["default", "file"],
                    "level": "DEBUG",
                    "propagate": True,



Structlog can do quite a bit more than this. I suggest you check it out.

like image 164
kerasbaz Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 02:10


It turns out the missing piece to the puzzle is using the "traceback" module rather than the "trace" one. It's simple enough to parse the output of traceback to pull out the source filename and line number of the ".log_message()" call.

If my logging needs become any more complicated then I'll definitely look into struct_log. Thank you for that information as I'd never heard about it before.

like image 35
user3014653 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 01:10
