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Combining Free types

I've been recently teaching myself about the Free monad from the free package, but I've come across a problem with it. I would like to have different free monads for different libraries, essentially I would like to build DSLs for different contexts, but I would also like to be able to combine them together. As an example:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
module TestingFree where

import Control.Monad.Free

data BellsF x
    = Ring x
    | Chime x
    deriving (Functor, Show)

type Bells = Free BellsF

data WhistlesF x
    = PeaWhistle x
    | SteamWhistle x
    deriving (Functor, Show)

type Whistles = Free WhistlesF

ring :: Bells ()
ring = liftF $ Ring ()

chime :: Bells ()
chime = liftF $ Chime ()

peaWhistle :: Whistles ()
peaWhistle = liftF $ PeaWhistle ()

steamWhistle :: Whistles ()
steamWhistle = liftF $ SteamWhistle ()

playBells :: Bells r -> IO r
playBells (Pure r)         = return r
playBells (Free (Ring x))  = putStrLn "RingRing!" >> playBells x
playBells (Free (Chime x)) = putStr "Ding-dong!" >> playBells x

playWhistles :: Whistles () -> IO ()
playWhistles (Pure _)                = return ()
playWhistles (Free (PeaWhistle x))   = putStrLn "Preeeet!" >> playWhistles x
playWhistles (Free (SteamWhistle x)) = putStrLn "Choo-choo!" >> playWhistles x

Now, I would like to be able to create a type BellsAndWhistles that allows me to combine the functionality of both Bells and Whistles without much effort.

Since the problem is combining monads, my first thought was to look at the Control.Monad.Trans.Free module for a quick and easy solution. Unfortunately, there are sparse examples and none showing what I want to do. Also, it seems that stacking two or more free monads doesn't work, since MonadFree has a functional dependency of m -> f. Essentially, I'd like the ability to write code like:

newtype BellsAndWhistles m a = BellsAndWhistles
    { unBellsAndWhistles :: ???
    } deriving
        ( Functor
        , Monad
        -- Whatever else needed

noisy :: Monad m => BellsAndWhistles m ()
noisy = do
    lift ring
    lift peaWhistle
    lift chime
    lift steamWhistle

play :: BellsAndWhistles IO () -> IO ()
play bellsNwhistles = undefined

But in such a way that Bells and Whistles can exist in separate modules and don't have to know about each others implementations. The idea is that I can write stand alone modules for different tasks, each implementing its own DSL, and then having a way to combine them into a "larger" DSL as needed. Is there an easy way to do this?

As a bonus it'd be great to be able to leverage the different play* functions that are already written, in such a way that I can swap them out. I want to be able to use one free interpreter for debug and another in production, and it'd obviously be useful to be able to choose which DSL was being debugged individually.

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bheklilr Avatar asked Jan 28 '14 01:01


2 Answers

This is an answer based off of the paper Data types à la carte, except without type classes. I recommend reading that paper.

The trick is that instead of writing interpreters for Bells and Whistles, you define interpreters for their single functor steps, BellsF and WhistlesF, like this:

playBellsF :: BellsF (IO a) -> IO a
playBellsF (Ring  io) = putStrLn "RingRing!"  >> io
playBellsF (Chime io) = putStr   "Ding-dong!" >> io

playWhistlesF :: WhistelsF (IO a) -> IO a
playWhistlesF (PeaWhistle   io) = putStrLn "Preeeet!"   >> io
playWhistlesF (SteamWhistle io) = putStrLn "choo-choo!" >> io

If you choose not to combine them, you can just pass them to Control.Monad.Free.iterM to get back your original play functions:

playBells    :: Bells a    -> IO a
playBells    = iterM playBell

playWhistles :: Whistles a -> IO a
playWhistles = iterM playWhistlesF

... however because they deal with single steps they can be combined more easily. You can define a new combined free monad like this:

data BellsAndWhistlesF a = L (BellsF a) | R (WhistlesF a)

Then turn that into a free monad:

type BellsAndWhistles = Free BellsAndWhistlesF

Then you write an interpreter for a single step of BellsAndWhistlesF in terms of the two sub-interpreters:

playBellsAndWhistlesF :: BellsAndWhistlesF (IO a) -> IO a
playBellsAndWhistlesF (L bs) = playBellsF    bs
playBellsAndWhistlesF (R ws) = playWhistlesF ws

... and then you get the interpreter for the free monad by just passing that to iterM:

playBellsAndWhistles :: BellsAndWhistles a -> IO a
playBellsAndWhistles = iterM playBellsAndWhistlesF

So the answer to your question is that the trick to combining free monads is to preserve more information by defining intermediate interpreters for individual functor steps ("algebras"). These "algebras" are much more amenable to combination than interpreters for free monads.

like image 104
Gabriella Gonzalez Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

Gabriella Gonzalez

Gabriel's answer is spot on, but I think it pays to highlight a bit more the thing that makes it all work, which is that the sum of two Functors is also a Functor:

-- | Data type to encode the sum of two 'Functor's @f@ and @g@.
data Sum f g a = InL (f a) | InR (g a)

-- | The 'Sum' of two 'Functor's is also a 'Functor'.
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Sum f g) where
    fmap f (InL fa) = InL (fmap f fa)
    fmap f (InR ga) = InR (fmap f ga)

-- | Elimination rule for the 'Sum' type.
elimSum :: (f a -> r) -> (g a -> r) -> Sum f g a -> r
elimSum f _ (InL fa) = f fa
elimSum _ g (InR ga) = g ga

(Edward Kmett's libraries have this as Data.Functor.Coproduct.)

So if Functors are the "instruction sets" for Free monads, then:

  1. Sum functors give you the unions of such instruction sets, and thus the corresponding combined free monads
  2. The elimSum function is the basic rule that allows you to build a Sum f g interpreter out of an interpreter for f and one for g.

The "Data types à la carte" techniques are just what you get when you develop this insight—it's well worth your while to just work it out by hand.

This kind of Functor algebra is a valuable thing to learn. For example:

data Product f g a = Product (f a) (g a)

-- | The 'Product' of two 'Functor's is also a 'Functor'.
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Product f g) where
   fmap f (Product fa ga) = Product (fmap f fa) (fmap f ga)

-- | The 'Product' of two 'Applicative's is also an 'Applicative'.
instance (Applicative f, Applicative g) => Applicative (Product f g) where
   pure x = Product (pure x) (pure x)
   Product ff gf <*> Product fa ga = Product (ff <*> fa) (gf <*> ga)

-- | 'Compose' is to 'Applicative' what monad transformers are to 'Monad'.
-- If your problem domain doesn't need the full power of the 'Monad' class, 
-- then applicative composition might be a good alternative on how to combine
-- effects.
data Compose f g a = Compose (f (g a))

-- | The composition of two 'Functor's is also a 'Functor'.
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Compose f g) where
   fmap f (Compose fga) = Compose (fmap (fmap f) fga)

-- | The composition of two 'Applicative's is also an 'Applicative'.
instance (Applicative f, Applicative g) => Applicative (Compose f g) where
   pure = Compose . pure . pure
   Compose fgf <*> Compose fga = Compose ((<*>) <$> fgf <*> fga)

Gershom Bazerman's blog entry "Abstracting with Applicatives" expands on these points about Applicatives, and is very well worth reading.

EDIT: One final thing I'll note is that when people design their custom Functors for their free monads, in fact, implicitly they're using precisely these techniques. I'll take two examples from Gabriel's "Why free monads matter":

data Toy b next =
    Output b next
  | Bell next
  | Done

data Interaction next =
    Look Direction (Image -> next)
  | Fire Direction next
  | ReadLine (String -> next)
  | WriteLine String (Bool -> next)

All of these can be analyzed into some combination of the Product, Sum, Compose, (->) functors and the following three:

-- | Provided by "Control.Applicative"
newtype Const b a = Const b

instance Functor (Const b) where
    fmap _ (Const b) = Const b

-- | Provided by "Data.Functor.Identity"
newtype Identity a = Identity a

instance Functor Identity where
    fmap f (Identity a) = Identity (f a)

-- | Near-isomorphic to @Const ()@
data VoidF a = VoidF

instance Functor VoidF where
    fmap _ VoidF = VoidF

So using the following type synonyms for brevity:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

type f :+: g = Sum f g
type f :*: g = Product f g
type f :.: g = Compose f g

infixr 6 :+:
infixr 7 :*:
infixr 9 :.:

...we can rewrite those functors like this:

type Toy b = Const b :*: Identity :+: Identity :+: VoidF

type Interaction = Const Direction :*: ((->) Image :.: Identity)
               :+: Const Direction :*: Identity
               :+: (->) String :.: Identity
               :+: Const String :*: ((->) Bool :.: Identity)
like image 32
Luis Casillas Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09

Luis Casillas