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Combining Conditions in XPath and XSLT




I am trying to build an XPath select just the 'Phone' number from the following:

<element identifier="ContactPoint" version="Local">
    <qualifier name="Phone" type="refining"/>
    01234 567890
<element identifier="ContactPoint" version="Local">
    <qualifier name="Email" type="refining"/>
    [email protected]

In my XSLT, I have the following:

    <xsl:value-of select="./element[@identifier='ContactPoint']"/>

But obviously this will just select the first instance. How would I combine conditions into one select to ensure I am only selecting the value of "element" with a "Phone" qualifier child?


like image 658
Ryall Avatar asked Aug 19 '09 10:08


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1 Answers

.\element[@identifier='ContactPoint' and qualifier/@name='Phone']

like image 71
AakashM Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 11:11
