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ColdFusion unit test frameworks

As a related sub-question - are there any CF unit test frameworks that support or make it easier to use mocks/stubs?

The 2 that I spotted in a quick google that look the most promising are MXUnit and CFUnit. Are there others, and which one(s) have the widest adoption and active development? Enough questions crammed into one?

Basically I want to make a good choice.

edit Note that at the time of writing the question originally, MXUnit was the go-to and TestBox wouldn't be on github for a few years yet. See comments on the accepted answer.

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jinglesthula Avatar asked Sep 30 '11 03:09


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2 Answers

Pretty sure that the only CF unit test framework still in active development is MXUnit.

Check out MockBox (also in active development) for support in using mocks/stubs.

Edit: Be sure to follow the MXUnit google group. http://groups.google.com/group/mxunit/topics

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charliegriefer Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09


TestBox is a new xUnit and BDD style framework that is compatible with MXUnit and comes with MockBox which is a full mocking and stubbing library. Both of these are actively developed and professionally supported by Ortus Solutions.



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Brad Wood Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

Brad Wood