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In Coldfusion, how do I init a component that is located above the current path folder?




If I have a folder structure that looks like this:


How do I initiate myComponent.cfc from index.cfm?

myService = createObject("component", "bin.myComponent");

Using the dot syntax, I know how to go to deeper folders, but how to do I go up a folder, and down into the other folder? Using slash syntax it would be something like this:


But createObject() doesn't work that way. I'd like to keep a relative path so that I can move this folder to another server without breaking the paths.

Ideas? Thanks!


My example didn't display a deep enough folder structure for the creative answers that you all have provided. Here's what I should have done:

/[my project folder]/
/[my project folder]/bin/myComponent.cfc
/[my project folder]/reports/index.cfm

My basic question was if it was possible to go UP a directory when using createObject("component","dot path") from index.cfm to myComponent.cfc IF the name of [my project folder] is not static across all installs of the project.

If the answer is NO, then I'll just need to figure out what the best practice is, whether it's a mapping or an application setting.

like image 945
Dan Sorensen Avatar asked Mar 26 '10 18:03

Dan Sorensen

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What is component in ColdFusion?

A ColdFusion component is basically a collection of functions that relate to a given entity, like for example, a customer. You could create a ColdFusion Component that is responsible for the programming logic regarding your customer records. For example, you could create one ColdFusion component called customer.

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You can invoke CFC methods directly by specifying the CFC in a URL, or by using HTML and CFML form tags.

2 Answers

We handle this using a mapping in the cf administrator. Usually all of the components go in one directory which is above the www root. In your case you could add a mapping to / which would allow you to do:

myService = createObject("component", "mymapping.bin.myComponent");
like image 67
Nick Van Brunt Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09

Nick Van Brunt

if you have the Application.cfc in the root of your folder structure, you could use something like this:

<cfset this.mappings["/local"] = getDirectoryFromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath()) />

and then access it through "local.bin.myComponent"

like image 43
intnick Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09
