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Coldfusion jQuery getJSON : Getting WDDX instead of JSON

I am using Brian Rinaldi's coldfusion function to convert a dotnet webservice dataset into a structure of queries. Each query is then returned to the client page as JSON to be used in a jQuery function.

The queries are valid query objects. However, JSON is not being returned. Instead I get WDDX as follows:

<wddxPacket version='1.0'>
  <header />
    <recordset rowCount='31'
      <field name='startdate'>

using the following code:

function internetUsage(){   

         alert('hello');    // THIS NEVER FIRES!    

So, I tried getting the CFC to convert the query into JSON and returning the JSON-ified result. This worked a little better in that valid JSON was returned BUT it is still wrapped in <wddxPacket> tags, as follows:

<wddxPacket version='1.0'><header/><data><string>
    "recordcount": 31,
    "columnlist": "callcharge,callreference,connduration,conntype,description,dest_number,pages,settingcount,startdate,starttime,subscribercode,usage",
    "data": [
            "callcharge": "",
            "callreference": "",
            "connduration": 86403,
            "conntype": "UBS",
            "description": "dageorgetti",
            "dest_number": "",
            "pages": "",
            "settingcount": 5,
            "startdate": "2010-01-30T00:00:00+13:00",
            "starttime": "2010-01-30T00:00:00+13:00",
            "subscribercode": "dageorgetti",
            "usage": 33.7300

The call for achieving the above is as follows:

function internetUsage(){   
        jsonEncode:true // the cfc converts query to JSON

              alert('Hello'); // still not firing       

I am using returntype="JSON" in the CFC. The cfc is quite complex and I don't think I need to paste it here. I can confirm that it is definitely generating valid query objects, which the conversion function seems to be successfully converting to valid JSON. I don't know why it comes back to the client wrapped in wddxPacket tags.


<cffunction name="invokeInternetUsage" access="remote" returnType="any" output="false">
    <cfargument name="SessionID" required="true">
    <cfargument name="CustomerCode" required="true">
    <cfargument name="FullUserName" required="true">
    <cfargument name="StartDate" required="true">
    <cfargument name="EndDate" required="true">
    <cfset var aTemp = "">
                <cfinvokeargument name="SessionID" value="#arguments.SessionID#"/>
                <cfinvokeargument name="CustomerCode" value="#arguments.CustomerCode#"/>
                <cfinvokeargument name="FullUserName" value="#arguments.FullUserName#"/>
                <cfinvokeargument name="StartDate" value="#arguments.StartDate#"/>
                <cfinvokeargument name="EndDate" value="#arguments.EndDate#"/>
    <cfreturn aTemp>

<!--- convertDotNetDataset --->
<cffunction name="convertDotNetDataset" access="remote" returnType="any" output="false"
        hint="takes a .Net dataset and converts it to a CF structure of queries">
<cfargument name="dataset" required="true">
<cfset var Local = StructNew()>
<cfset Local.result = structNew() />
<cfset Local.aDataset = arguments.dataset.get_any() />
<cfset Local.xSchema = xmlParse(Local.aDataset[1]) />
<cfset Local.xData = xmlParse(Local.aDataset[2]) />

<!--- Create Queries --->
<cfset Local.xTables = Local.xSchema["xs:schema"]["xs:element"]["xs:complexType"]["xs:choice"] />
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(Local.xTables.xmlChildren)#" index="Local.i">
    <cfset Local.tableName = Local.xTables.xmlChildren[Local.i].xmlAttributes.name />
    <cfset Local.xColumns = Local.xTables.xmlChildren[Local.i].xmlChildren[1].xmlChildren[1].xmlChildren/>
    <cfset Local.result[Local.tableName] = queryNew("") />
    <cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(Local.xColumns)#" index="Local.j">
        <cfif left(Local.xColumns[Local.j].xmlAttributes.name,6) neq 'Column'>
            <cfset queryAddColumn(Local.result[Local.tableName], Local.xColumns[Local.j].xmlAttributes.name, arrayNew(1)) />

<!--- see if there are any row of data, if not exit --->
<cfif NOT StructKeyExists(Local.xData["diffgr:diffgram"], "NewDataSet")>
    <cfreturn Local.result>

<!--- Populate Queries --->
<cfset Local.xRows = Local.xData["diffgr:diffgram"]["NewDataSet"] />
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(Local.xRows.xmlChildren)#" index="Local.i">
<cfset Local.thisRow = Local.xRows.xmlChildren[Local.i] />
        <cfset Local.tableName = Local.thisRow.xmlName />
        <cfset queryAddRow(Local.result[Local.tableName], 1) />
        <cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(Local.thisRow.xmlChildren)#" index="Local.j">
            <cfif left(Local.thisRow.xmlChildren[Local.j].xmlName,6) neq 'Column'>
                <cfset querySetCell(Local.result[Local.tableName], Local.thisRow.xmlChildren[Local.j].xmlName, Local.thisRow.xmlChildren[Local.j].xmlText, Local.result[Local.tableName].recordCount) />

<cfreturn Local.result>

like image 858
user460114 Avatar asked Jan 23 '11 22:01


2 Answers

You're hand-building JSON, but the cfc method is treating that return value as a string to be wrapped in a WDDX packet. You should try adding returnformat="plain" to your cfc method. Also, you're using .getJSON(). Instead, use .get().

A quick look at the jQuery source code shows that getJSON() is just get() with the JSON attribute already hardcoded in:

getJSON: function( url, data, callback ) {
  return jQuery.get(url, data, callback, "json");
like image 81
Ken Redler Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10

Ken Redler

Whenever I have returned JSON data from a CFC my functions tend to look like this:

<cffunction name="methodName" access="remote" returnformat="plain" output="false">
<cfset jsonresult = '{
 "somevar1": "val1",
 "somevar2": "val2"}' />

<cfreturn jsonresult/>

like image 23
Andy Jarrett Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 03:10

Andy Jarrett