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Code Golf: Piano

Perl, 133 (129) chars

Perl, 167 160 156 147 142 133 D'oh! 147 144 137 134 133 chars

    $_=shift;die grep{5>$n?y/*/#/:y/#*/ |/;$n++-8||y/ /_/}
    @Q=(substr(("*#  #".("*#  #*#   |   #")x2)x9,

Here's a 129 char solution, borrowing several ideas from molf's Ruby solution:

    for$n(0..8){print$/,substr+(join'',map{8-$n?5>$n&&$_%7%4?"###  "
    :" |   ":"_|___"}$j..$j+$c),!$k,-3}

and with help from the Acme::AsciiArtinator:

                sub init_piano{$S=$";$H='#';
                (                            $
               T                              ,$P,$U)=qw(
              T                                          |
             _                                            |
            /                                              )
           ;                                                $
          d             =$T.$H.$S.$S;$t                     =
         $             d               .                   $H
        .              $               d                  . $
       S               .$P.$S.$S.$S.$H;$                t=  $
      d.$H.$t.$t;};$_=shift;-/-/;&init_piano();$Z=/#/;-/|   |
      |                                                 |   |
      |                    YAMAHA                       |  /
      ;die grep{4>$n++?y/T/#/:y/#T/ |/;$n-8||y/ /_/;}@q=(m{
     // // /// // /// // /// // /// // /// // /// // /// /   
    // // /// // /// // /// // /// // /// // /// // /// /
   }                                                   .
          ;   '                            \   /
           | |                              | |
           /_\                              /';

Ruby - 125 chars

146 144 140 137 134 126 125 chars

9.times{|t|puts (s..s+n.to_i).map{|i|i%7%4<1||t>4?" |   ":"###  "
}.join[h..-4].tr t>7?" ":n,"_"}

(The second newline is not necessary and added only to avoid a scrollbar on SO. Semi-colons can be replaced by newlines if desired.)

The Ruby 1.9 version is different but of equal length (replacing a[0] by a.ord and "_" by ?_):

9.times{|t|puts (s..s+n.to_i).map{|i|i%7%4<1||t>4?" |   ":"###  "
}.join[h..-4].tr t>7?" ":n,?_}

Call with

$ ruby piano.rb C 14

LilyPond, 285 288 291 310 315 330 333 340 350 characters

In keeping with the music theme, here's a solution in a language designed for typesetting music scores, LilyPond:

u=#(x"*""###  ""|   *** |   ** ")t=#(x"###"" | "u)q=#read-char
z=#(q)v=#(if(eq?(q)#\#)1 0)y=#(iota(+(*(read)5)1 v))#(format #t"~{~{~a~}
~}"(map(lambda(s)(map(lambda(i)(string-ref s(modulo(+(*(char->integer z)5)i(* v
4))35)))y))(list u u u u u t t t(x" ""_"t))))

Usage: $ lilypond thisfile.ly <input.in >output.out 2>/dev/null

GolfScript - 80 Characters

Fits in one line of #SO without the scroll bar :)

' ':s/~~5*\(7&5*\,.4*@+):k;+):c;9,{5<'#'9**' | '4*+3/4<.1>+c*s.+*k>c<n+}%)s/'_'*

GolfScript - 81 Characters

' ': /((7&\,.4*@5*+:k;\~~5*+):c;9,{5<'#'9**' | '4*+3/4<.1>+c*  +*k)>c<n+}%) /'_'*

Nicely formatted version (27 x 3)

' ': /((7&\,.4*@5*+:k;\~~5*
+):c;9,{5<'#'9**' | '4*+3/4
<.1>+9*  +*k)>c<n+}%) /'_'*

GolfScript - 82 Characters

' '/((7&\,.4*@5*+:k;\~~5*+):c;9,{5<3*'###  '*' |   '4*+20<.5>+c*k)>c<n+}%)' '/'_'*

GolfScript - 85 Characters

' '/((7&\,.4*@5*+:k;\~~5*+):c;9,{.5<3*'###  '*' _'1/@8=='|'1$3*++4*+20<.5>+c*k)>c<n}%

Nicely formatted version (17 x 5)

' '/((7&\,.4*@5*+
5<3*'###  '*' _'1

GolfScript - 94 Characters

' ': /~~5*:c;(7&5*:^;,:&;['###  '3*' |   '+.5>+c*1>{^4&*+>&c+)<n}:f~]5*'   _'1/{'|'\4*+7*c*f}%

GolfScript - 98 Characters

' ': /~~5*:c;(7&5*:^;,:&;['###  '3*' |   '+.5>+c*^4&*+:^)>&c+):&<n]5*[   '_']{['|'\4*+7*c*^>&<n]}%

GolfScript - 101 Characters

' ': /~~5*:c;(7&5*:^;,:&;['###  '3*' |   '+.5>+c*^4&*+)>&c+)<n]5*[   '_']{['|'\4*+7*c*^4&*+>&c+)<n]}%

GolfScript - 109 Characters

' ': /~~5*:c;(7&5*:^;,:&;['##''  ###'.'   | '++.'  #'+++c*^4&*+>&c+)<n]5*[   '_']{['|'\4*+7*c*^4&*+>&c+)<n]}%

GolfScript - 120 Characters

' '/~~5*:c;(7&5*:^;,:&;['##''  ###'.'   | '++.'  #'+++c*^4&*+>&c+)<n]5*['|    '7*c*^4&*+>&c+)<n]3*'|____'7*c*^4&*+>&c+)<

GolfScript - 127 Characters

' '/~~5*:c;(7&5*:^;,:&;['##  ###  ###   |   ###  ###   |   #'c*^4&*+>&c+)<n]5*['|    '7*c*^4&*+>&c+)<n]3*'|____'7*c*^4&*+>&c+)<

$ echo -n C 14 | ruby golfscript.rb piano.gs 
|   ###  ###   |   ###  ###  ###   |   ###  ###   |   ###  ###  ###   |
|   ###  ###   |   ###  ###  ###   |   ###  ###   |   ###  ###  ###   |
|   ###  ###   |   ###  ###  ###   |   ###  ###   |   ###  ###  ###   |
|   ###  ###   |   ###  ###  ###   |   ###  ###   |   ###  ###  ###   |
|   ###  ###   |   ###  ###  ###   |   ###  ###   |   ###  ###  ###   |
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
$ echo -n D# 1| ruby golfscript.rb piano.gs 
###   |
###   |
###   |
###   |
###   |
 |    |
 |    |
 |    |
$ echo -n A 7| ruby golfscript.rb piano.gs 
##  ###   |   ###  ###   |   ###  ##
##  ###   |   ###  ###   |   ###  ##
##  ###   |   ###  ###   |   ###  ##
##  ###   |   ###  ###   |   ###  ##
##  ###   |   ###  ###   |   ###  ##
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |

RetroGolf - Applesoft BASIC: 236 239 245 249 257 245 267 285

Shown in multiple lines for readability, but should be a single line:

1K$="##   |   ###  #":K$="##  #"+K$+K$:
 FORI=1TO21:F$=F$+"|____":L$=L$+"|    ":NEXT:

Can be tested with this Applesoft BASIC Interpreter in Javascript or an emulator.

Piano http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/3407/piano2.png