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cocoapods installation stuck on "Updating local specs repositories"

Any help please I have been waiting so long for this and it didn't show me any improvement.Still stucking at Updating local specs repositories

Actually i was trying to update pod files of library that I use on my xcode.I close it yesterday because it takes too long.And today i run again,doing control + c and run pod install again.

It didn't work,stucking at Updating local specs repositories

When I open my Xcode,many errors occur because of pod issue..

Please I need help!

like image 570
Thiha Aung Avatar asked Dec 30 '15 03:12

Thiha Aung

People also ask

How long does it take to install CocoaPods?

Executing "pod install" now takes less than 2 minutes, while before making this changes it took about 12 minutes.

What does POD repo update do?

cocoapods-repo-update is a CocoaPods plugin that checks your dependencies when you run pod install and updates the local specs repositories if needed.

How long does it take to update CocoaPods pods?

This will take significantly less time as this requires fetching and downloading just the pods you need instead of whole cocoapods repository. In My case it reduced the pod update time from 15-20 mins on average to 3-4 mins at most. Show activity on this post.

What do cocoa pods do before they download dependencies?

update: one common thing that cocoa pods do before it even starts downloading the dependencies listed in your podfile, is to download/update its own repo (they call it Setting up Cocoapods Master repo .. look at this:

Do I need to update the POD file after building?

You may still need to update the pod file and run a pod update after doing this but at least you will have a working build that initializes correctly and runs properly when you send it to the app store.

How big is the cocoa pod repository?

the bad news is that if you follow the above procedure to find out how big the cocoa pod repo is.. you'll get this: "size": 614373,.. which is a lot. so to get a more accurate way of knowing how long it takes to just install your own repo.. you can set up the cocoa pods master repo separately by using pod setup:

2 Answers

There's an known error with http://blog.cocoapods.org/Repairing-Our-Broken-Specs-Repository/

You can try to fix it by doing:

pod repo remove master
pod setup
pod install
like image 86
DanMunoz Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 16:10


For me it already happened a few times, always after cocoapods failing to contact github on a previous run if I'm not mistaken.

I solved by simply deleting the contents of ~/.cocoapods/repos. and running the pods again

like image 41
JMiguel Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 17:10
