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Different layouts in portrait and landscape mode

Let's assume I have this layout design on an iPad Portrait.


But I would like to have it this way when the iPad is in landscape: screen2

Is it possible to do that with auto layout? Or with a small amount of code?

like image 435
user2529173 Avatar asked Dec 15 '15 15:12


People also ask

Can we create different layout files for portrait and landscape mode?

Android App Development for Beginners Step 3 – Create a layout file by right-clicking on the resources, name the file, from the 'Available qualifiers, select Orientation. Click >> option. Select Landscape from UI mode.

What is the difference between a portrait and landscape format?

Landscape orientation refers to horizontal subjects or a canvas wider than it is tall. Portrait format refers to a vertical orientation or a canvas taller than it is wide.

What is a portrait layout?

Portrait format basically refers to when the frame is in the vertical display, which means the side edges are longer than the bottom and top edges. As a result, the subject appears wider and taller. If you position the camera vertically at 90 degrees, you would be taking portrait images.

3 Answers

You can achieve this through code First of all you have to make IBoutlet of your dynamic constraints

Constant Constraint: // these constraint will remain same in both orientations

1- RedView top Space to Superview

2- RedView Trailing Space to Superview

3- BlueView Leading Space to Superview

4- BlueView bottom Space to SuperView

Dynamic Constraint

Portrait Constraint:

1- RedView height

2- RedView Vertical Space to BlueView

3- RedView Leading Space to Superview

4- BlueView Trailing Space to Superview

LandScape Constraint:

1- RedView Width

2- RedView Horizontal Space to BlueView

3- RedView bottom Space to Superview

4- BlueView Top Space to Superview

Now You have to override method which is called on Orientation change

override func viewWillTransitionToSize(size: CGSize,   withTransitionCoordinator coordinator:    UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator) {

    coordinator.animateAlongsideTransition({ (UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinatorContext) -> Void in

        let orient = UIApplication.sharedApplication().statusBarOrientation

        switch orient {
        case .Portrait:
            // Do something
            // Do something else
        }, completion: { (UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinatorContext) -> Void in
            print("rotation completed")
    super.viewWillTransitionToSize(size, withTransitionCoordinator: coordinator)

And call these 2 functions

Portrait Orientation Function

func ApplyportraitConstraint(){




LandScape Orientation Function

    func applyLandScapeConstraint(){




Portrait ScreenShot: enter image description here LandScape ScreenShot: enter image description here

Hope it will Help to Understand it through Layout Managment through coding. If you still not able to Understand then Please Check my Code on


If you have warnings just set height and width's constraint priority to 999.

like image 128
Muhammad Waqas Bhati Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 12:10

Muhammad Waqas Bhati

iPAD don't have the size class for Landscape mode. I think the reason is that it is not needed in most of the cases. However one can activate and deactivate constraints when device orientation change like the accepted answer.

The following can be helpful for iPhone user.

Yes this is possible in interface builder with autolayout and size classes. You will not need to code.

First you select size class wAny hAny

Here is how to select size class.

enter image description here

Add two views in your view controller. Red view on top and blue view below. Just like your first image.

Constraints on red view are:

  • Top space to super view
  • Leading space to super view
  • Trailing space to super view
  • height = 50

Constraints on blue view are:

  • vertical space to red view
  • leading space to super view
  • trailing space to super view
  • bottom space to super view

This is all set for Potrait mode.

Now you change size classes to wAny hCompact(The first two column in first row). this class is for iPhone landscape.

Now you have to use install and uninstall concept.

Constraints that will change for red view:

  • Uninstall its height constriant for (wAny hCompact) size class as:

enter image description here

  • Similary uninstall its Leading constraint. Add two new constraints to this red view in this class:
  • Bottom space to superview
  • Width constraint = 50

This will make red view to right side with 50 width.

Now constraint change for blue view:

  • Uninstall Its vertical spacing, trailing space.

Add two new constraint:

  • Vertical space to super view
  • Trailing space to red View

This will attach red view left of blue view.

Hope it work for you.

like image 31
Irfan Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 12:10


I Implemented this with Obj-C and published on my github The solution involves a little amount of code, and most of the work is focused in AutoLayout and naming conventions... The README file explains how I did it. The code I used on the ViewController is basically this method:

- (void)setUpViewConstraintsForInterfaceOrientation:(InterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation {
    self.lastOrientation = interfaceOrientation;
    if (interfaceOrientation == Landscape) {
        [NSLayoutConstraint deactivateConstraints:self.portraitConstraintsCollection];
        [NSLayoutConstraint activateConstraints:self.landscapeConstraintsCollection];
    } else if(interfaceOrientation == Portrait){
        [NSLayoutConstraint deactivateConstraints:self.landscapeConstraintsCollection];
        [NSLayoutConstraint activateConstraints:self.portraitConstraintsCollection];
    [self.view layoutIfNeeded];

portraitConstraintsCollection and landscapeConstraintsCollection are IBOutletCollection properties to manage the orientation's specific constraints.

And the autolayout solution only works with installing and uninstalling constraints (activate and deactivate), no need to add or remove constraints.

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JRafaelM Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 10:10
