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CMake IF(something OR something else)

Does the CMake IF statement have an OR option as well? Something like: IF (NOT this OR that) ... ENDIF?

I have the line if (NOT ${TARGET_PLATFORM} STREQUAL "test"), which removes certain build files from the project. I want to add a second Target platform option, "my_board", which needs to remove those same build files. I tried adding an elseif(NOT ${TARGET_PLATFORM} STREQUAL "my_board") following the first IF, but that was not successful.

Is what I am trying to do possible with CMake, and if so, what is the proper syntax?


like image 309
joshua.kurland Avatar asked Oct 02 '13 18:10


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1 Answers


or more simply

like image 199
Chris Maes Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 02:09

Chris Maes