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CMake and add test program command




I use usually makefile for project but I want to start learn CMake. I use makefile not only for build my project but also to test my project. It's very useful. How can I do that with CMake?

For exemple this makefile:

flags=-std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra -g -Og
#flags=-std=c++11 -O3 -DNDEBUG -s

default: TextMiningCompiler TextMiningApp

TextMiningCompiler: TextMiningCompiler.cpp trie.cpp
    g++ $(flags) TextMiningCompiler.cpp trie.cpp -o TextMiningCompiler

TextMiningApp: TextMiningApp.cpp
    g++ $(flags) TextMiningApp.cpp -o TextMiningApp

run: TextMiningCompiler TextMiningApp
    ./TextMiningCompiler $(pathword) totoro.txt
    cat test.txt | time ./TextMiningApp totoro.txt

    trash TextMiningCompiler TextMiningApp

I made this CMakefile:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.9)
project (TextMining)
add_executable(TextMiningApp TextMiningApp.cpp)
add_executable(TextMiningCompiler TextMiningCompiler.cpp trie.cpp read_words_file.cpp)
set_property(TARGET TextMiningApp PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 11)
set_property(TARGET TextMiningCompiler PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 11)

How can I have the make run function? or other custom function?

like image 446
Fractale Avatar asked Jul 18 '16 12:07


People also ask

How do I add a test to CMake?

To add testing to a CMake-based project, simply include(CTest) and use the add_test command.

What is CTest command?

DESCRIPTION. The "ctest" executable is the CMake test driver program. CMake-generated build trees created for projects that use the ENABLE_TESTING and ADD_TEST commands have testing support. This program will run the tests and report results.

How do I run a CTest test?

To run a single test and see how it is processed, invoke ctest from the command line providing the following arguments: Run single tst: -R <test-name> Enable verbose output: -VV.

What does CMake add_test do?

Options To add_test(...) COMMAND specifies the command to run for the test. Essentially, this can be any command that would normally run in your terminal. You can also pass the name of an executable target, and CMake will replace it with the full location of the executable.

1 Answers

When it gets to tests in CMake I prefer to use add_test(). It enables - besides calling something like make test to run the tests - the possibility to e.g. get test reports via ctest (distributed with CMake).

Using the name of an executable's CMake target as "command" in add_test() directly replaces it with the excutable's path:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.9)
project (TextMining)


set(pathword "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/words.txt")

add_executable(TextMiningCompiler TextMiningCompiler.cpp trie.cpp read_words_file.cpp)
    NAME TestTextMiningCompiler 
    COMMAND TextMiningCompiler "${pathword}" "totoro.txt"

add_executable(TextMiningApp TextMiningApp.cpp)
    NAME TestTextMiningApp 
    COMMAND sh -c "cat ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test.txt | time $<TARGET_FILE:TextMiningApp> totoro.txt"
set_tests_properties(TestTextMiningApp PROPERTIES DEPENDS TestTextMiningCompiler)

You could further eliminate the dependency to a shell like sh if you would add a commandline parameter to TextMiningApp to pass test.txt as input:

    NAME TestTextMiningApp 
    COMMAND TextMiningApp -i "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test.txt" "totoro.txt"

And no need to add a time call since total time of execution is automatically measured when executing the test via make test (which is btw. equivalent to calling ctest):

$ make test
Running tests...
Test project [... path to project's binary dir ...]
    Start 1: TestTextMiningCompiler
1/2 Test #1: TestTextMiningCompiler ...........   Passed    0.11 sec
    Start 2: TestTextMiningApp
2/2 Test #2: TestTextMiningApp ................   Passed    0.05 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 2

Total Test time (real) =   0.19 sec


  • How to use redirection in cmake add_test
like image 198
Florian Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 11:11
