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Clojure core.async, CPU hangs after timeout. Anyway to properly kill macro thread produced by (go..) block?

Based on core.async walk through example, I created below similar code to handle some CPU intensive jobs using multiple channels with a timeout of 10 seconds. However after the main thread returns, the CPU usage remains around 700% (8 CPUs machine). I have to manually run nrepl-close in emacs to shut down the Java process.

Is there any proper way to kill macro thread produced by (go..) block ? I tried close! each chan, but it doesn't work. I want to make sure CPU usage back to 0 by Java process after main thread returns.

(defn [] RETURNED-STR-FROM-SOME-CPU-INTENSE-JOB (do...   (str ...)))

(let [n 1000
      cs (repeatedly n chan)]
  (doseq [c cs] 

  (dotimes [i n]
    (let [[result source] (alts!!  (conj cs (timeout 10000))) ]  ;;wait for 10 seconds for each job
      (if  (list-contains? cs source)  ;;if returned chan belongs to cs 
        (prn "OK JOB FINISHED " result)
        (prn "JOB TIMEOUT")

 (doseq [i cs]
   (close! i))  ;;not useful for "killing" macro thread

 (prn "JOBS ARE DONE"))

;;Btw list-contains? function is used to judge whether an element is in a list
(defn list-contains? [coll value]
  (let [s (seq coll)]
    (if s
      (if (= (first s) value) true (recur (rest s) value))
like image 862
Kevin Zhu Avatar asked Sep 04 '13 11:09

Kevin Zhu

1 Answers

In REPL there seems to be no clean way yet.

I first tried a very dirty way by using deprecated method Thread.stop

 (doseq [i @threadpool ]
              (.stop i))

It seemed worked as CPU usage dropped once the main thread returned to REPL, but if I run the program again in REPL, it'd just hang at the go block part!!

Then I googled around and found this blog and it says

One final thing to note: we don't explicitly do any work to shutdown the go routines. Go routines will automatically stop operation when the main function exits. Thus, go routines are like daemon threads in the JVM (well, except for the "thread" part ...)

So I tried again by making my project into a uberjar and run it on a command console, and it turned out that CPU usage would drop immediately when blinking cursor returns to the console!

like image 79
Kevin Zhu Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 19:09

Kevin Zhu