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Why a script that uses threads prints extra lines occasionally?

If print s is replaced by print >>sys.stderr, s then the effect vanishes.

import random, sys, time
import threading

lock = threading.Lock()

def echo(s):
    time.sleep(1e-3*random.random()) # instead of threading.Timer()
    with lock:
        print s

for c in 'abc':
    threading.Thread(target=echo, args=(c,)).start()


# Run until empty line is found:
$ while ! python example.py 2>&1|tee out|grep '^$';do echo -n .;done;cat out




The output should not contain empty lines, but it does. I understand that print is not thread-safe, but I would've thought the lock should help.

The question is why this happens?

My machine:

$ python -mplatform

Extra lines are printed on py26, py27, pypy.

py24, py25, py31, py32 behave as expected (no empty lines).


  • sys.stdout.flush() after the print doesn't solve the problem:

    with lock:
  • even more strange that ordinary sys.stdout.write() doesn't produce empty lines with lock:

    with lock:
        sys.stdout.write('\n') #NOTE: no .flush()
  • print function works as expected (no empty lines).

To reproduce download files and run:

$ tox
like image 753
jfs Avatar asked Oct 07 '11 13:10


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1 Answers

Take a look at this stackoverflow thread: How do I get a thread safe print in Python 2.6?. Apparently, printing to sout is not thread-safe.

If you turn on verbose threading, you can see this better:

threading.Thread(target=echo, args=(c,), verbose=True).start()

I get output like this:

MainThread: <Thread(Thread-1, initial)>.start(): starting thread
Thread-1: <Thread(Thread-1, started 6204)>.__bootstrap(): thread started
MainThread: <Thread(Thread-2, initial)>.start(): starting thread
Thread-2: <Thread(Thread-2, started 3752)>.__bootstrap(): thread started
MainThread: <Thread(Thread-3, initial)>.start(): starting thread
Thread-3: <Thread(Thread-3, started 4412)>.__bootstrap(): thread started
MainThread: <Thread(Thread-2, started 3752)>.join(): waiting until thread stops
Thread-1: <Thread(Thread-1, started 6204)>.__bootstrap(): normal return
Thread-2: <Thread(Thread-2, started 3752)>.__bootstrap(): normal return
MainThread: <Thread(Thread-2, stopped 3752)>.join(): thread stopped
MainThread: <Thread(Thread-3, started 4412)>.join(): waiting until thread stops
Thread-3: <Thread(Thread-3, started 4412)>.__bootstrap(): normal return
MainThread: <Thread(Thread-3, stopped 4412)>.join(): thread stopped

You can see that thread 3 is shown as finishing before printing the 'c' character. This clearly cannot be the case, so this leads me to assume that printing to the console is not thread-safe.

This, however, does not explain why printing to sys.stderr appears to work correctly.

like image 146
marco Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 16:10
