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Click event on Google Notification

I am developing a google chrome extension for my website.

I want that when the user clicks on the desktop notification of google chrome, that my website opens.

So how can I handle the google chrome desktop notification click event?

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Kishan Gajjar Avatar asked Mar 22 '11 06:03

Kishan Gajjar

People also ask

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Once you've selected "Yes," an email will be sent to the event's creator informing them of your answer, and if you have a Google account, the event will show up on your Google Calendar.

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Open Google Calendar. Under “My Calendars,” check Reminders. In the pop-up box, click Reminder.

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Notifications allow users to find out about changes to events in their calendar.

1 Answers

If you don't want to use an HTML notification, you can add a click event handler to the notification and call the "cancel" function.

var notification = window.webkitNotifications.createNotification(
        'url', 'title', 'text');

notification.addEventListener('click', function() {
like image 159
Sergio Prado Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 00:09

Sergio Prado