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Headless Chrome 79 does not load fonts from Google Fonts on Windows

I have a problem with external font-face loading with headless Chrome 79 (same problem with Canary) on Windows (both 32 bits and 64 bits versions).

Here's an example with Google Fonts:

chrome.exe --headless --disable-gpu https://fonts.google.com

Using the DevTools inspector, I get this error:

Font face error with Headless Chrome 79 on Windows

There is no problem with non-headless mode.

I get this font face loading problem with each page which uses Google Fonts.

I wasn't able to reproduce this error on Bionic.

I'm totally stuck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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RLesur Avatar asked Jan 09 '20 10:01


People also ask

Why is Google font not working?

Potential Cause. There is an error in the API URL, or a style that is not supported by the font has been requested.

Why are fonts in Chrome messed up?

A recent software update or have an app installation may have changed Chrome font. More likely, it is possible that the hardware installed on your computer may be malfunctioning and requires troubleshooting if you see that the Chrome fonts look bad.

1 Answers

I just stumbled over the same issue today.

Adding the following parameter solved that issue for me:


It will tell Chrome to at wait (max. 10000ms) for all pending network request.

Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/53690355/4045505

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AKCD Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 16:09