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Mailto links are not working in Chrome

Mailto links are not working at all in Chrome (8.0.552.224).

These links are working in IE 7&8, Safari, and Firefox.

In Chrome, we are clicking on mailto links (we have tested this about 25 times now), and things just go into the ether.

In all other browsers, we click on the mailto links, they open up email clients (gmail, outlook, and others), and we can send the email.

But in Chrome, we click the mailto links and nothing happens...

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sfoatl Avatar asked Jan 13 '11 00:01


People also ask

How do I enable mailto in Chrome?

Open Chrome settings. Select "Show advanced settings" and click on "Content settings" under "Privacy." Scroll down to "Handlers" and select "Manage handlers." Select "mail.google.com" as your mailto site.

1 Answers

mailto: links work on chrome, however it won't open a new window with all of the information ready to type up an email unless the user have the plugin that allows for it. If you want to test that the link is working go to your page and right click, you should have an option to copy the email address. Or you can install the plugin Chromemailer.

Update: I'm not sure when, but Google has implemented an update that now opens a window to gmail when you select a "mailto:" link. (presumably only if you are logged into gmail)

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Ian Avatar answered Nov 26 '22 14:11
