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Cleanest/One-liner way to require all files in directory in Ruby?




When creating gems, I often have a directory structure like this:

    |-- helpers.rb
    `-- helpers
        |-- helper_a.rb
        `-- helper_b.rb

Inside the helpers.rb, I'm just require-ing the files in the helpers directory. But I have to do things like this:

$:.push(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helpers')
require 'helper_a'
require 'helper_b'

Is there a way to make that one line so I never have to add to it? I just came up with this real quick:

dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "helpers")
Dir.entries(dir)[2..-1].each { |file| require "#{dir}/#{file[0..-4]}" }

But it's two lines and ugly. What slick tricks have you done to make this a one liner?

like image 888
Lance Avatar asked Mar 21 '10 19:03


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2 Answers

project_root = File.dirname(File.absolute_path(__FILE__))
Dir.glob(project_root + '/helpers/*') {|file| require file}

Or to golf it a bit more:

Dir.glob(project_root + '/helpers/*', &method(:require))
like image 80
sepp2k Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10


I like require_relative:

Dir.glob('lib/**/*.rb') { |f| require_relative f }

The `&method(:require_relative) trick won't work with require_relative. I get:

`require_relative': cannot infer basepath (LoadError)

But it does save the hassle of computing project_root

I'm using ruby 2.0.0p247 (2013-06-27 revision 41674) [x86_64-darwin12.5.0]

like image 3
pedz Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 10:10
