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Cleaner way to destructure nested objects with defaults?

I have a nested object which may have stuff missing:

const unreliableObject = {
    id: 10,
    nestedObject: { // may be missing
        id: 11 // may also be missing

Now say I want to get the inner id. I can do the following

const { nestedObject: { id: key = -1 } = {key: -1} } = unreliableObject;

Is there a better way? Something where I'm not defining {key: -1} twice, nor using an empty object (we have lint rules in place), and I still want to default key in that case.

like image 358
AncientSwordRage Avatar asked Jan 30 '19 13:01


1 Answers

If you're willing to accept a path notation similar to Lodash's get and the use of a Proxy object then you can turn p['x.y.z'] into a safe p.x.y.z operation:

const {'x.y.z': a = 42} = path({});
const {'x.y.z': b = 42} = path({x: {}});
const {'x.y.z': c = 42} = path({x: {z: {}}});
const {'x.y.z': d = 42} = path({x: {y: {z: 999}}});

console.log(a, b, c, d);
const path = obj =>
  new Proxy(obj, {
    get(o, k) {
      const [head, ...tail] = k.split('.'); 
      return tail.length === 0 ?
        o[head] :
        path(o[head] != null ? o[head] : {})[tail.join('.')];

If you're willing to not use destructuring and accept even more Proxy magic, then we could do other crazy things like turning properties into functions!

const p = path(/* some object */);
// either the value at 'x.y.z' or 42

const a = path({});
const b = path({x: {}});
const c = path({x: {z: {}}});
const d = path({x: {y: {z: 999}}});

const path = obj =>
  new Proxy(obj, {
    get: (o, k) =>
      o[k] == null
        ? path(x => x)
        : typeof o[k] === 'object'
          ? path(o[k])
          : () => o[k] });

This is probably overengineered but I wanted to toy with Proxy anyway ;) Perhaps this helps though.

like image 73
customcommander Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 00:11
