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Circular name reference



I have this script:


function contains() {
  local -n array=$1
  local value=$2
  for item in "${array[@]}"; do
    [ "$item" = "$value" ] && return 0
  return 1

array=(a "b c" "d")
value="b c"

contains array value

Running it I get this error:

***: line 6: warning: array: circular name reference

What does this mean? How to fix this?

like image 917
warvariuc Avatar asked Nov 18 '15 09:11


1 Answers

Let's focus on the first line of the function contains:

local -n array=$1

When one executes

contains array value

$1 is set to array, so the local command, after expansions, becomes

local -n array=array

where a circular reference is immediately obvious.

This is a known issue without a perfect solution (see "The problem with bash's name references" in BashFAQ/048). I would suggest what's suggested there:

[T]here is no safe name we can give to the name reference. If the caller's variable happens to have the same name, we're screwed.


Now, despite these shortcomings, the declare -n feature is a step in the right direction. But you must be careful to select a name that the caller won't use (which means you need some control over the caller, if only to say "don't use variables that begin with _my_pkg"), and you must reject unsafe inputs.

like image 169
4ae1e1 Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 10:10
