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Chrome-extension "Cannot read property 'onUpdated' of undefined"

I have a script which I want to inject to a page every 10 seconds. I use this code:


program.js looks like this:

$("body").prepend("Hello World!");  

Meaning every 10 seconds the page should refresh itself and inject this piece of code, it works ok, but sometimes (especially when running more than one tab) I get this error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'onUpdated' of undefined 

I'm guessing its not getting the tabId or something.
But I can't solve it.

Help would be very much appreciated.

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Nir Tzezana Avatar asked Nov 11 '22 05:11

Nir Tzezana

1 Answers

I came across the same problem only with chrome.runtime.onMessageExternal.addListener and chrome would complain about onMessageExternal. Like @scott-f pointed out the reason for this bug is 'abusing' th reload button. I removed and reinstalled the extension and it worked.

In hindsight I would suggest you use the --load-extensions='extension/path' from the cli to test your extension with the mouse just to avoid the overhead of navigating around chrome's menus, and use Selenium to automate your tests.

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fakedrake Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11
