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Error: connect ETIMEDOUT

I am trying to work with Node and Mysql but i keep encountering error when trying to connect with the Database.

 //For mysql server
var mysql = require('mysql');

var connection = mysql.createConnection(
  host: 'example.com',
  user: 'abc',
  password: '***',
  database: 'abcd',
  port: 3306,
// If there is an error connecting to the database
connection.connect( function(err)
  if (err)
    throw err;
    console.log('DB connection establish');

function check_userid(usersId)
var que = connection.query(
  'select * from table where id = '+usersId, function(err, result, fields){
  if(err) throw err;
  console.log('Resultset: ', result);
  console.log('Length of Resultset: ', result.length);

  if(result.length == 0)
    connection.query('insert into table (id, user_status) values ( "' + usersId + '", "' + 'connected' + '")', 
                    function (err, result) 
                      if (err) throw err;
                      console.log('Updation of table: ',result.insertId);
    connection.query('update table SET user_status="'+'connected'+'" WHERE id = "' + usersId + '"', 
                    function (err, result) 
                      if (err) throw err;
                      console.log('Updation of Table: ',result.insertId);

//For websocket
var webSocketServer = new (require('ws')).Server({port: (process.env.PORT || 5000)}),
webSockets = {} // userID: webSocket

// CONNECT /:userID
// wscat -c ws://localhost:5000/1
webSocketServer.on('connection', function (webSocket) 
  var userID = parseInt(webSocket.upgradeReq.url.substr(1), 10)
  webSockets[userID] = webSocket
                   console.log('connected: ' + userID + ' in ' + Object.getOwnPropertyNames(webSockets))


                   // Forward Message
                   // Receive               Example
                   // [toUserID, text]      [2, "Hello, World!"]
                   // Send                  Example
                   // [fromUserID, text]    [1, "Hello, World!"]
                   webSocket.on('message', function(message) {
                                console.log('received from ' + userID + ': ' + message)
                                var messageArray = JSON.parse(message)
                                var toUserWebSocket = webSockets[messageArray[0]]
                                if (toUserWebSocket) {
                                console.log('sent to ' + messageArray[0] + ': ' + JSON.stringify(messageArray))
                                messageArray[0] = userID

                   webSocket.on('close', function () {
                                delete webSockets[userID]
                                console.log('deleted: ' + userID)
                                connection.query('update table SET user_status="'+'disconnected'+'" WHERE id = "' + userID + '"', 
                    function (err, result) 
                      if (err) throw err;
                      console.log('Updation of table: ',result.insertId);

And i keep getting the following Error

Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
at errnoException (net.js:904:11)
at Object.afterConnect as oncomplete
at Handshake.Sequence (/Users/apple/Desktop/js/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/sequences/Sequence.js:15:21)
at new Handshake (/Users/apple/Desktop/js/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/sequences/Handshake.js:9:12)
at Protocol.handshake (/Users/apple/Desktop/js/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:44:50)
at Connection.connect (/Users/apple/Desktop/js/node_modules/mysql/lib/Connection.js:38:18)
at Object. (/Users/apple/Desktop/js/server.js:13:12)
at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)

Description: I run same server in localhost,and succesfully connected with phpMyadmin and I did not got that error but When I implement that server in VPS it cannot create connection with phpMyadmin and say connect ETIMEDOUT.

like image 358
Waleed Amjad Avatar asked Nov 10 '22 05:11

Waleed Amjad

1 Answers

This error occurred due to connect the server with Remote DataBase. If you want to connect your server with remotely database then make sure your remotely database provider have given the access of remote DB otherwise you need to install the mysql in you VPS.

like image 85
Waleed Amjad Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11

Waleed Amjad