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Checking Bash exit status of several commands efficiently




Is there something similar to pipefail for multiple commands, like a 'try' statement but within bash. I would like to do something like this:

echo "trying stuff" try {     command1     command2     command3 } 

And at any point, if any command fails, drop out and echo out the error of that command. I don't want to have to do something like:

command1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then     echo "command1 borked it" fi  command2 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then     echo "command2 borked it" fi 

And so on... or anything like:

pipefail -o command1 "arg1" "arg2" | command2 "arg1" "arg2" | command3 

Because the arguments of each command I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) will interfere with each other. These two methods seem horribly long-winded and nasty to me so I'm here appealing for a more efficient method.

like image 534
jwbensley Avatar asked Mar 04 '11 15:03


People also ask

How do you check exit status in bash?

To check the exit code we can simply print the $? special variable in bash. This variable will print the exit code of the last run command.

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To display the exit code for the last command you ran on the command line, use the following command: $ echo $? The displayed response contains no pomp or circumstance. It's simply a number.

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“$?” is a variable that holds the return value of the last executed command. “echo $?” displays 0 if the last command has been successfully executed and displays a non-zero value if some error has occurred. The bash sets “$?” To the exit status of the last executed process.

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For the bash shell's purposes, a command which exits with a zero (0) exit status has succeeded. A non-zero (1-255) exit status indicates failure. If a command is not found, the child process created to execute it returns a status of 127.

1 Answers

You can write a function that launches and tests the command for you. Assume command1 and command2 are environment variables that have been set to a command.

function mytest {     "$@"     local status=$?     if (( status != 0 )); then         echo "error with $1" >&2     fi     return $status }  mytest "$command1" mytest "$command2" 
like image 180
krtek Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09
