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Getting the parent of a directory in Bash

People also ask

How do I go to parent directory in bash?

You can go back to the parent directory of any current directory by using the command cd .. , as the full path of the current working directory is understood by Bash . You can also go back to your home directory (e.g. /users/jpalomino ) at any time using the command cd ~ (the character known as the tilde).

How do I get parent directory in terminal?

The .. means “the parent directory” of your current directory, so you can use cd .. to go back (or up) one directory. cd ~ (the tilde). The ~ means the home directory, so this command will always change back to your home directory (the default directory in which the Terminal opens).

parentdir="$(dirname "$dir")"

Works if there is a trailing slash, too.

Clearly the parent directory is given by simply appending the dot-dot filename:

/home/smith/Desktop/Test/..     # unresolved path

But you must want the resolved path (an absolute path without any dot-dot path components):

/home/smith/Desktop             # resolved path

The problem with the top answers that use dirname, is that they don't work when you enter a path with dot-dots:

$ dir=~/Library/../Desktop/../..
$ parentdir="$(dirname "$dir")"
$ echo $parentdir
/Users/username/Library/../Desktop/..   # not fully resolved

This is more powerful:

parentdir=$(builtin cd $dir; pwd)

You can feed it /home/smith/Desktop/Test/.., but also more complex paths like:

$ dir=~/Library/../Desktop/../..
$ parentdir=$(builtin cd $dir; pwd)
$ echo $parentdir
/Users                                  # the fully resolved path!

NOTE: use of builtin ensures no user defined function variant of cd is called, but rather the default utility form which has no output.

Just use echo $(cd ../ && pwd) while working in the directory whose parent dir you want to find out. This chain also has the added benefit of not having trailing slashes.

...but what is "seen here" is broken. Here's the fix:

> pwd
> x='Om Namah Shivaya'
> mkdir "$x" && cd "$x"
/home/me/Om Namah Shivaya
> parentdir="$(dirname "$(pwd)")"
> echo $parentdir