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Check to see if python script is running

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How can I tell if my Python script is running?

Drop a pidfile somewhere (e.g. /tmp). Then you can check to see if the process is running by checking to see if the PID in the file exists. Don't forget to delete the file when you shut down cleanly, and check for it when you start up.

How do I know if a Python script is running on Linux?

There is a multiple-way to check which script is running in the background of a Linux environment. One of them is using the subprocess module in python. Subprocess is used to run new programs through Python code by creating new processes.

How do I check for Python scripts?

To run Python scripts with the python command, you need to open a command-line and type in the word python , or python3 if you have both versions, followed by the path to your script, just like this: $ python3 hello.py Hello World!

How do I test a Python script in Windows 10?

Go to your Start menu (lower left Windows icon), type "Microsoft Store", select the link to open the store. Once the store is open, select Search from the upper-right menu and enter "Python". Select which version of Python you would like to use from the results under Apps.

A technique that is handy on a Linux system is using domain sockets:

import socket
import sys
import time

def get_lock(process_name):
    # Without holding a reference to our socket somewhere it gets garbage
    # collected when the function exits
    get_lock._lock_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

        # The null byte (\0) means the socket is created 
        # in the abstract namespace instead of being created 
        # on the file system itself.
        # Works only in Linux
        get_lock._lock_socket.bind('\0' + process_name)
        print 'I got the lock'
    except socket.error:
        print 'lock exists'

while True:

It is atomic and avoids the problem of having lock files lying around if your process gets sent a SIGKILL

You can read in the documentation for socket.close that sockets are automatically closed when garbage collected.

Drop a pidfile somewhere (e.g. /tmp). Then you can check to see if the process is running by checking to see if the PID in the file exists. Don't forget to delete the file when you shut down cleanly, and check for it when you start up.

#/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys

pid = str(os.getpid())
pidfile = "/tmp/mydaemon.pid"

if os.path.isfile(pidfile):
    print "%s already exists, exiting" % pidfile
file(pidfile, 'w').write(pid)
    # Do some actual work here

Then you can check to see if the process is running by checking to see if the contents of /tmp/mydaemon.pid are an existing process. Monit (mentioned above) can do this for you, or you can write a simple shell script to check it for you using the return code from ps.

ps up `cat /tmp/mydaemon.pid ` >/dev/null && echo "Running" || echo "Not running"

For extra credit, you can use the atexit module to ensure that your program cleans up its pidfile under any circumstances (when killed, exceptions raised, etc.).

The pid library can do exactly this.

from pid import PidFile

with PidFile():

It will also automatically handle the case where the pidfile exists but the process is not running.

Of course the example from Dan will not work as it should be.

Indeed, if the script crash, rise an exception, or does not clean pid file, the script will be run multiple times.

I suggest the following based from another website:

This is to check if there is already a lock file existing

\#/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
if os.access(os.path.expanduser("~/.lockfile.vestibular.lock"), os.F_OK):
        #if the lockfile is already there then check the PID number
        #in the lock file
        pidfile = open(os.path.expanduser("~/.lockfile.vestibular.lock"), "r")
        old_pid = pidfile.readline()
        # Now we check the PID from lock file matches to the current
        # process PID
        if os.path.exists("/proc/%s" % old_pid):
                print "You already have an instance of the program running"
                print "It is running as process %s," % old_pid
                print "File is there but the program is not running"
                print "Removing lock file for the: %s as it can be there because of the program last time it was run" % old_pid

This is part of code where we put a PID file in the lock file

pidfile = open(os.path.expanduser("~/.lockfile.vestibular.lock"), "w")
pidfile.write("%s" % os.getpid())

This code will check the value of pid compared to existing running process., avoiding double execution.

I hope it will help.

There are very good packages for restarting processes on UNIX. One that has a great tutorial about building and configuring it is monit. With some tweaking you can have a rock solid proven technology keeping up your daemon.

My solution is to check for the process and command line arguments Tested on windows and ubuntu linux

import psutil
import os

def is_running(script):
    for q in psutil.process_iter():
        if q.name().startswith('python'):
            if len(q.cmdline())>1 and script in q.cmdline()[1] and q.pid !=os.getpid():
                print("'{}' Process is already running".format(script))
                return True

    return False

if not is_running("test.py"):
    n = input("What is Your Name? ")
    print ("Hello " + n)

There are a myriad of options. One method is using system calls or python libraries that perform such calls for you. The other is simply to spawn out a process like:

ps ax | grep processName

and parse the output. Many people choose this approach, it isn't necessarily a bad approach in my view.