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How do I pass extra arguments to a Python decorator?

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Can you pass arguments to a decorator Python?

You may expect that decorator arguments are somehow passed into the function along with this f argument, but sadly Python always passes the decorated function as a single argument to the decorator function.

How many ways can you pass an argument in Python?

5 Types of Arguments in Python Function Definition: keyword arguments. positional arguments. arbitrary positional arguments. arbitrary keyword arguments.

Can a method have multiple decorators?

Python allows us to implement more than one decorator to a function. It makes decorators useful for reusable building blocks as it accumulates several effects together. It is also known as nested decorators in Python.

Since you are calling the decorator like a function, it needs to return another function which is the actual decorator:

def my_decorator(param):
    def actual_decorator(func):
        print("Decorating function {}, with parameter {}".format(func.__name__, param))
        return function_wrapper(func)  # assume we defined a wrapper somewhere
    return actual_decorator

The outer function will be given any arguments you pass explicitly, and should return the inner function. The inner function will be passed the function to decorate, and return the modified function.

Usually you want the decorator to change the function behavior by wrapping it in a wrapper function. Here's an example that optionally adds logging when the function is called:

def log_decorator(log_enabled):
    def actual_decorator(func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            if log_enabled:
                print("Calling Function: " + func.__name__)
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
        return wrapper
    return actual_decorator

The functools.wraps call copies things like the name and docstring to the wrapper function, to make it more similar to the original function.

Example usage:

>>> @log_decorator(True)
... def f(x):
...     return x+1
>>> f(4)
Calling Function: f

Just to provide a different viewpoint: the syntax

def func(...): #stuff

is equivalent to

def func(...): #stuff
func = expr(func)

In particular, expr can be anything you like, as long as it evaluates to a callable. In particular particular, expr can be a decorator factory: you give it some parameters and it gives you a decorator. So maybe a better way to understand your situation is as

dec = decorator_factory(*args)
def func(...):

which can then be shortened to

def func(...):

Of course, since it looks like decorator_factory is a decorator, people tend to name it to reflect that. Which can be confusing when you try to follow the levels of indirection.

Just want to add some usefull trick that will allow to make decorator arguments optional. It will also alows to reuse decorator and decrease nesting

import functools

def myDecorator(test_func=None,logIt=None):
    if not test_func:
        return functools.partial(myDecorator, logIt=logIt)
    def f(*args, **kwargs):
        if logIt==1:
            print 'Logging level 1 for {}'.format(test_func.__name__)
        if logIt==2:
            print 'Logging level 2 for {}'.format(test_func.__name__)
        return test_func(*args, **kwargs)
    return f

#new decorator 
myDecorator_2 = myDecorator(logIt=2)

def pow2(i):
    return i**2

def pow3(i):
    return i**3

def pow4(i):
    return i**4

print pow2(2)
print pow3(2)
print pow4(2)

Just another way of doing decorators. I find this way the easiest to wrap my head around.

class NiceDecorator:
    def __init__(self, param_foo='a', param_bar='b'):
        self.param_foo = param_foo
        self.param_bar = param_bar

    def __call__(self, func):
        def my_logic(*args, **kwargs):
            # whatever logic your decorator is supposed to implement goes in here
            print('pre action baz')
            # including the call to the decorated function (if you want to do that)
            result = func(*args, **kwargs)
            print('post action beep')
            return result

        return my_logic

# usage example from here on
def example():
    print('example yay')


Now if you want to call a function function1 with a decorator decorator_with_arg and in this case both the function and the decorator take arguments,

def function1(a, b):
    print (a, b)

decorator_with_arg(10)(function1)(1, 2)