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Check if time is between tonight and tomorrow morning

The following condition does not work, any idea? Does Python think that 8am belongs to the same day and so this condition is not possible?

from datetime import datetime, time
now = datetime.now()
now_time = now.time()
if now_time >= time(23,00) and now_time <= time(8,00): 
        print 'hall light turning on'
        print 'Could not connect to Hue gateway'
like image 355
Ossama Avatar asked Dec 19 '13 20:12


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Therefore, you can use the expression start <= current <= end to check if a current time falls into the interval [start, end] when assuming that start , end , and current are datetime objects.

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2 Answers

How could the hour be simultaneously >= 23 and <= 8?

Try replacing and with or:

if now_time >= time(23,00) or now_time <= time(8,00):
    print "night"
like image 183
Mark Ransom Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Mark Ransom

Astral is a module that can give you a more accurate indication of "night time" based on the sun's current location. It's good when you want to automate turning lights on or off more efficiently by using dawn to dusk or sunset to sunrise and indicating what city you're in. Check out: https://astral.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Sample Usage:

import pytz
from datetime import datetime
from astral import Astral
a = Astral()
city = a['Chicago'] # Replace with your city
now = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
sun = city.sun(date=now, local=True)
if now >= sun['dusk'] or now <= sun['dawn']:
    print "It's dark outside"
like image 28
Kenny Ingle Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Kenny Ingle