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Change Tomcat Server's timeout in Eclipse




People also ask

How do I change Tomcat settings in Eclipse?

For configuring the tomcat server in eclipse IDE, click on servers tab at the bottom side of the IDE -> right click on blank area -> New -> Servers -> choose tomcat then its version -> next -> click on Browse button -> select the apache tomcat root folder previous to bin -> next -> addAll -> Finish.

How does Tomcat handle session timeout?

The number in session-timeout tag is in minutes. To make it unlimited or no time out in Tomcat, simply set the number to -1 and restart your Tomcat.

Where is Tomcat preference in Eclipse?

To configure Tomcat as a new Runtime Environment, select the "Preferences" menu item from Eclipse's "Windows" menu (if you are using a Mac, you can find "Preferences" under the main Eclipse menu). You will be presented with large tree of preferences. Expand the "Server" preferences, and select "Runtime Environments".

What is server Tomcat connection timeout?

connectionTimeout. The number of milliseconds this Connector will wait, after accepting a connection, for the request URI line to be presented. Use a value of -1 to indicate no (i.e. infinite) timeout. The default value is 60000 (i.e. 60 seconds) but note that the standard server.

Open the Servers view -> double click tomcat -> drop down the Timeouts section

There you can increase the startup time for each particular server.

  1. Go to server View
  2. Double click the server for which you want to change the time limit
  3. On the right hand side you have timeouts dropdown tab. Select that.
  4. You then have option to change the time limits.

enter image description here

SOLVED: That's it!!!! For me was compiling with JDK6 but running Tomcat with JDK7, WST uses the system properties and not the eclipse settings. I also configure the same JDK Version in eclipse and in System (check it with java -version in cmd line)

Details: I try to configure eclipse like describe here, but it didn´t solve the problem, then I notice in eclipse´s error log that tomcat was started with jre 1.7. in spite of my configurations.

I also try, in cmd line, 'java -version' and obtained '1.7' instead of expected '1.6'.

I also decide to configure java 1.6 (like in eclipse) in system panel but it didn´t solve the problem. I also desinstall jre 1.7 restart eclipse AND IT SUCCESS!.. It was a very usefull clue, thank you.

Double click on server and see the timeouts section and add more time look at the picture enter image description here


Server Timeout can be specified there.

or another method via the Servers tab here:


The issue is also created if you have setup breakpoints in the code and trying to start tomcat in debug mode post some code overhaul.

Solution is to clear all the breakpoints.

double click tomcat , see configure setting with "timeout" modify the number. Maybe this not the tomcat error.U can see the DB connection is achievable.