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How do I enable TODO/FIXME/XXX task tags in Eclipse?





People also ask

How do I show todo in eclipse?

Opening the Tasks ViewClick on the Window menu and select Show View → Other. In the filter text box enter Tasks. Under General, select Tasks.

What is the purpose of adding todo in a comment in eclipse?

'Tasks' markers are a good way to annotate source files with to-do's or bug entries. The Tasks view lists them and I can use them as shortcuts to the source place.

What is Fixme comment?

FIXME : This works, sort of, but it could be done better. (usually code written in a hurry that needs rewriting). BUG : There is a problem here. TODO : No problem, but additional code needs to be written, usually when you are skipping something.

For me, such tags are enabled by default. You can configure which task tags should be used in the workspace options: Java > Compiler > Task tags

alt text

Check if they are enabled in this location, and that should be enough to have them appear in the Task list (or the Markers view).

Extra note: reinstalling Eclipse won't change anything most of the time if you work on the same workspace. Most settings used by Eclipse are stored in the .metadata folder, in your workspace folder.

In the distribution I use, the tasks are listed in the task list by default (at least for Java). For other content types, you may check the following settings.

Display the Tasks View: Window > Show View > Other > General > Tasks

For non-Java Task Tags: check the following settings: Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Structured Text Editors > Task Tags You can enable searching for task tags in the [Task Tags] tab and select the content types in the [Filters] tab.

For Java task tags, you should look in: Window > Preferences > Java > Compiler > Task Tags


I'm using Eclipse Classic 3.7.1.

The solution is: Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Sctructured Text Editors > Task Tags and checking "Enable searching for Task Tags" checkbox.

All those settings are necessary to choose which tags you are interested in, but in order to display these tags in a list, you also need to select the right Eclipse perspective. I finally discovered that the "Markers" tab containing the "Task" list is only available under the "Java EE" perspective... Hope this helps! :-)