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Change Developer name in Google play store doesn't update [closed]

I have two old apps in the Google Play. The apps name are fine but I'm trying to update the developer name for those two apps (the text below the app name).

I went to https://play.google.com/apps/publish -> "Settings" -> "Account Details" then I updated the "Developer Name" property and then save the changes. I waited half a day but my apps developer name still remain unchanged. I tried with other field such as the website and it does the same thing.

Do I need to re-publish the applications? I don't know what am I doing wrong

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pierre23 Avatar asked Dec 18 '22 04:12


2 Answers

Ok nevermind, I just had to wait about 12 hours to be updated by Google Play. Please be aware that is not an immediate change.

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pierre23 Avatar answered Mar 08 '23 23:03


According to the Google Play Console, developer name changes are not immediate. It is said that the update can take up to 7 days. Here is a screenshot of the message they display right after there is an attempt to update the developer name

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Bernardo do Amaral Teodosio Avatar answered Mar 08 '23 22:03

Bernardo do Amaral Teodosio