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C++/CLI : Casting from unmanaged enum to managed enum

What is the correct way of casting (in C++/CLI) from a native code enum to a managed code enum which contain the same enum values? Is there any difference with using the C# way of casting like for example (int) in C++/CLI.

like image 953
Lopper Avatar asked Dec 09 '09 11:12


2 Answers

Assuming your native code is

enum shape_type_e
    stUNHANDLED     = 0,            //!< Unhandled shape data.
    stPOINT         = 1             //!< Point data.

and your managed code is

public enum class ShapeType
    Unhandled   = 0,
    Point       = 1,

You can cast from the native to the managed using

shape_type_e nativeST = stPOINT;
ShapeType managedST = static_cast<ShapeType>(nativeST);
Debug.Assert(managedST == ShapeType::Point);

I always use static_cast, not the C# way of casting.

like image 178
mcdave Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 09:10


It depends. for example, if you have a CLI enum that has an underlying type of ushort, it cannot hold a vallue of 257. By default the CLI enum is based on int, which should be fine in most cases. If your native C++ code use unsigned 32bit ints/64bit ints as the underlying type if enums, switch the base of your CLI enum to UInt32, long or ulong.

like image 33
Sheng Jiang 蒋晟 Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 08:10

Sheng Jiang 蒋晟