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casting interface{} to string array



I'm trying to get the data which is stored in interface[] back to string array. Encountering an unexpected error.

type Foo struct {
    Data interface{}

func (foo Foo) GetData() interface{} {
    return foo.Data

func (foo *Foo) SetData(data interface{}) {
    foo.Data = data

func main() {
    f := &Foo{}
    f.SetData( []string{"a", "b", "c"} )

    var data []string = ([]string) f.GetData()

Error: main.go:23: syntax error: unexpected f at end of statement

Go Playground

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user2727195 Avatar asked Mar 11 '17 20:03


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1 Answers

What you are trying to perform is a conversion. There are specific rules for type conversions, all of which can be seen in the previous link. In short, you cannot convert an interface{} value to a []string.

What you must do instead is a type assertion, which is a mechanism that allows you to (attempt to) "convert" an interface type to another type:

var data []string = f.GetData().([]string)


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Tim Cooper Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 07:10

Tim Cooper