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Cards.dll in Windows 7




In older windows we had a library called cards.dll that MS used for UI in card games. It looks like they are now using something different for it. Do anyone know how Microsoft paint cards in new Windows?

Thank you.

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Serge Dubovsky Avatar asked Jan 04 '11 18:01

Serge Dubovsky

People also ask

Where is cards dll located?

You need to copy the files “sol.exe” and “cards. dll” from Windows XP computer located in “C:\Windows\System32” and paste in “C:\Windows\System32” folder in Windows 7 computer and check if it works. Hope this helps. Visit our Microsoft Answers Feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

What is cards dll?

The Cards. dll file is a dynamic link library for Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista and XP.

How do I fix dll errors in Windows 7?

dll error message appeared during or after you installed a program, a hardware component, or a driver, uninstall the program, the hardware component, or the driver. Then restart Windows, and reinstall the program, the hardware component, or the driver.

Where are dll stored in Windows 7?

Dll files are located in C:\Windows\System32.

1 Answers

I opened the cards.dll from 32-bit Windows XP and the file contains bitmap resources with the cards. This DLL is not present on Windows 7 (64-bit). I opened the .exe in a resource editor and did not find any bitmap references which is something I'd normally have expected.

I then opened the executable with Dependency Walker to find out if there were any additional references to the equivalent of cards.dll and there were none. There was a reference to DirectX so I suspect that the cards are being drawn using that API, and are perhaps encoded in something other than a bitmap. Process Explorer's thread view also suggest DirectX is being used.

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Brian Lyttle Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 09:10

Brian Lyttle