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Get thumbnail of any file including SolidWorks on Windows XP/Vista

There is a lot of build-in ThumbnailProviders inside every installed OS. Due to these providers Windows is able to show Thumbnail of many files. For example Windows Explorer can show content of *.jpg files, but from Solidworks *.sldprt files too (If SolidWorks is installed).

But is there any way to get these thumbnails? I´ve tried to manage this using Windows API CodecPack, but I succeeded only on Windows 7.

ShellFile shellFile = ShellFile.FromFilePath(filePath);                
Bitmap shellThumb = shellFile.Thumbnail.Bitmap;

Question is: is there any other usable way to get Thumbnail of any file with registered Thumbnail provider on Windows XP/Vista? I´m really desperate...

like image 896
user1588135 Avatar asked Aug 09 '12 16:08


People also ask

Why are my SOLIDWORKS thumbnails and previews missing?

You may go to Tools > Options > System Options tab > General > 'Show thumbnail graphics in Windows Explorer' to make sure this option is enabled. Also files must be subsequently opened and saved in SOLIDWORKS in order to generate the screenshot for the thumbnail.

Why is the file preview missing in my SOLIDWORKS open dialog?

Close the SolidWorks program and restart the computer. In the "File Explorer" tab, click the "Restore File Associations" button. Close the SolidWorks program and restart the computer. 4- Go to the system's folder options, in the "View" tab, make sure the "Always show icons, never show thumbnails" option is not checked.

1 Answers

There are several ways:

1) With library OpenMCDF. Solidworks file is Compound document so access to its content - is parsing the file.

 OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog();    
 dialog.InitialDirectory = Application.StartupPath;  
 if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)  
     string STORAGE_NAME = dialog.FileName.ToString();  
     CompoundFile cf = new CompoundFile(STORAGE_NAME);  
     CFStream st = cf.RootStorage.GetStream("PreviewPNG");  
     byte[] buffer = st.GetData();  
     var ms = new MemoryStream(buffer.ToArray());  
     pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(ms);  

2) With library EModelView.dll to be added as a control and placed to the Form.

    OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog();
        if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            axEModelViewControl1.OpenDoc(dialog.FileName.ToString(), false, false, true, "");

3) With SWExplorer library (wpfPreviewFlowControl)

        OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog();
        if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            string sDocFileName = dialog.FileName.ToString();
            wpfThumbnailCreator pvf;
            pvf = new wpfThumbnailCreator();
            System.Drawing.Size size = new Size();
            size.Width = 200;
            size.Height = 200;
            pvf.DesiredSize = size;
            System.Drawing.Bitmap pic = pvf.GetThumbNail(sDocFileName);
            pictureBox1.Image = pic;

3) With library Document Manager (SolidWorks.Interop.swdocumentmgr)

         OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog();
        if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            string sDocFileName = dialog.FileName.ToString();
            SwDMClassFactory swClassFact = default(SwDMClassFactory);
            SwDMApplication swDocMgr = default(SwDMApplication);
            SwDMDocument swDoc = default(SwDMDocument);
            SwDMConfigurationMgr swCfgMgr = default(SwDMConfigurationMgr);
            string[] vCfgNameArr = null;
            SwDMConfiguration7 swCfg = default(SwDMConfiguration7);
            IPictureDisp pPreview = default(IPictureDisp);
            SwDmDocumentType nDocType = 0;
            SwDmDocumentOpenError nRetVal = 0;
            SwDmPreviewError nRetVal2 = 0;
            Image image = default(Image);

            //Access to interface
            swClassFact = new SwDMClassFactory();
            swDocMgr = (SwDMApplication)swClassFact.GetApplication("Post your code here");
            swDoc = (SwDMDocument)swDocMgr.GetDocument(sDocFileName, nDocType, false, out nRetVal);
            Debug.Assert(SwDmDocumentOpenError.swDmDocumentOpenErrorNone == nRetVal);
            swCfgMgr = swDoc.ConfigurationManager;

            pathLabel.Text = "Path to file: " + swDoc.FullName;
            configLabel.Text = "Active config: " + swCfgMgr.GetActiveConfigurationName();
            vCfgNameArr = (string[])swCfgMgr.GetConfigurationNames();

            foreach (string vCfgName in vCfgNameArr)
                //get preview
                swCfg = (SwDMConfiguration7)swCfgMgr.GetConfigurationByName(vCfgName);
                pPreview = (IPictureDisp)swCfg.GetPreviewPNGBitmap(out nRetVal2);
                image = Support.IPictureDispToImage(pPreview);
                //insert to picturebox
                pictureBox1.BackgroundImage = image;
like image 77
streamdown Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 19:10
