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capybara/selenium with rspec before :all hook

In an attempt to reduce the number of page visits with selenium, I wanted to call the visit method from a before :all hook and run all my examples with a single page load. However, when I specify before :all vs before :each, the browser opens, but the url is never visited. Below is a simplified and contrived example...

describe 'foobar', :js => true do
  before :all do
    Capybara.default_wait_time = 10
    obj = Factory(:obj)
    visit obj_path(obj)

  it 'should have foo' do
    page.should have_content('foo')

  it 'should have bar' do
    page.should have_content('bar')

When I set it to before :each, it works, but the page loads twice. Is this a limitation of Capybara?

like image 630
brewster Avatar asked Mar 09 '12 07:03


1 Answers

Cause of problem

The second example doesn't work because because Capybara resets the session after each RSpec example; the page you visit-ed in your before :all block is no longer open at that point. This an explicit behavior of Capybara. It's in the capybara gem, under /lib/capybara/rspec.rb:

config.after do
  if self.class.include?(Capybara::DSL)

I Googled around for a couple of hours and found several others struggling with this, to no avail really.

I also found that a patch that would allow Capybara to be configured not to reset the session after each example has been proposed ... but Capybara creator jnicklas declined the pull request.


The quickest -- though perhaps not the best -- workable solution I've found (so far) is to monkey-patch Capybara thusly:

module Capybara                                                                                                                                                                                  
  class << self                                                                                                                                                                                  
    alias_method :old_reset_sessions!, :reset_sessions!                                                                                                                                          
    def reset_sessions!; end                                                                                                                                                                     

This just makes reset_sessions! do nothing when it gets called. Note: Beware of unintended side-effects! (You can always revert the alias_method later on in your code if you need the default resetting behavior to happen again.)

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GladstoneKeep Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 04:10
