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Can't git checkout after moving a folder



I have created a git repo in a folder that had spaces and some non-ascii symbols in its name. Bad idea, I know, but I thought it's 2011 and mature programs can tolerate such things. Never had any problems with it btw. However, I decided to move it to a more proper folder. I also created a new branch, and started working on it. And, it's got a submodule.

Now, when I try switching back to master (git checkout master), it says,

fatal: Not a git repository: F:/������ �����/Visual Studio 2008/Projects/OpenSource/Fubu/fubumvc/.git/modules/buildsupport

How do I fix it?

like image 660
ulu Avatar asked Dec 28 '22 10:12


1 Answers

There are two text files per submodule that need to be edited:


Where <module> is the name of a submodule.

like image 144
ulu Avatar answered Jan 13 '23 22:01
