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Using GIT to clone from a windows machine to a linux webserver (in house)




OK, I am looking for a way to use GIT to keep a web site up to date between my local machine (git repository) and my web site (git clone of repository).

I have initialized the repository (on windows 7 machine) and added all the files to the repo on my local machine. I now need to get the repo to the webswerver (a linux-based machine). I can access the webserver via putty and ssh. How do I go about cloning the repo into the appropriate directory to serve the web site?

I have tried the following from my linux based machine: git clone git+ssh://[email protected]/d/webserver/htdocs/repo

I keep receiving a connect to host port 22: connection time out

Both machines are in house with the webserver being outside of the network on a different IP range (outside of firewall). I came from subversion and can easily svn commit/update to and from the webserver and my machine without issue.

Thanks for any guidance on this!

like image 709
ClaytonDaniels Avatar asked Dec 27 '22 12:12


1 Answers

The best resource I've found for doing this is located here.

The problem I had was that issuing a git clone from the *nix environment using the above suggestions was unable to find the path to the repo properly.

I was able to fix this by starting the git daemon with the --base-path and --export-all params.

So, from the windows box:

git daemon --base-path=C:/source/ --export-all

Then from the *nix box (mac in my case):

git clone git://<local ip>/<project name>

My directory structure on the windows box is:

c:\source\<project name> - this is where the .git folder lives
like image 191
Clayton Gulick Avatar answered Feb 16 '23 04:02

Clayton Gulick